Midsomer Murders

So it’s been a while since I’ve talked about what I’m watching. We watch PlutoTv pretty much every night. Mostly to watch Antiques Roadshow. Well, there’s another channel on Pluto that interested me. But it’s a live channel, so I was always missing the beginning of the show – Midsomer Murders.

Midsomer Murders is a British “comfy police procedural”. The episodes are about an hour and a half each. It’s about two cops in Midsomer county, and they investigate murders in their area.

There’s a lot of murders. It’s on par with Murder, She Wrote for the body counts that tally up through out the episodes. I’m currently on series two. And I’m throughly enjoying the episodes that I’ve watched.

DCI Barnaby, and DS Troy.

The humour is pretty close to dad jokes, and those types of laughs. There’s a running joke now though out the two series that I’ve watched: DS Troy is a terrible driver.

I’m really enjoying what I’ve watched so far. The crimes are very complicated, and I haven’t guessed one killer yet. Probably because the episodes move very slowly, until they move quickly.

What’s your “comfy” British shows that you watch?

Movie review: RRR

So last night, I took the chance on turning on a movie, that we only watched the trailer to on Netflix. It was fantastical – a man running from a tiger for around a minute. I was kind of hooked. So yesterday, just for the fun of it, half expecting to shut it off minutes in, we sat down to watch RRR.

What a good movie. Don’t let the three hour run time daunt you. It’s a cinematic masterpiece. But don’t call it a Bollywood film. According to the director, it’s a Telugu film.

To me, it’s an action/adventure movie. It’s a buddy film. If it was an American film, it would probably be a buddy-cop film. But thankfully it’s not an American movie. I don’t think an American film studio could make an epic movie like this, and I hope that they never try.

From the slowmo action shots to the 47 minute dance off, it’s exactly what we needed to see last night. This was our first Indian movie that we’ve watched (except the snippets of Indian movies playing at India Restaurant).

So give this movie a chance. Open up your Netflix, and turn it on. You won’t be disappointed.

My only thought is our first Indian movie has set the bar very high. We’re worried that all the other movies will fail to hold a candle to watch we just watched.

Do you guys have any suggestions for other movies to check out?

Season one review: 1899

It’s been a while since I’ve done a TV review. And it’s not because I’ve only been watching Critical Role. I’m still watching that, but since I’ve finished Campaign 2, I’ve really only been watching it once a week now. I don’t really have an interest in watching Campaign 1.

So aside from Critical Role, we have been watching a smattering of other shows, but mostly Law & Order. We discovered that Amazon Prime has like 16 seasons – so to wind down at the end of the night, we’ll watch a couple of episodes, then head off to bed.

Pitter patter…

I’ll try and review this awesome show – even though I’ve only watched it once all the way through. I probably should watch it through again.

From the creators of Dark, they bring us the next instalment of weird.


The Ship.

The show started out in 1899, on a boat making its way from England to New York. It’s a boat full of immigrants.

It truly starts out as a period piece, and slowly morphs into something strange and wonderful.

And now as I try to write this, I cannot do a review. I’ll end up spoiling it. And you can only watch a show like this once – for the first time. So do me a favour, open up Netflix, and find 1899. Watch it. Binge it, then watch it again, and see if you can write a review.

Go. Now.

Home video – Sherlock

So in an effort to do stuff with my mom, I wanted to watch shows with her. She really wants to watch Outlander. Crystal said hmm maybe not unless you want to watch the sex scenes with your mom.

I forgot about the sex scenes.

So I decided to see if she’d like BBCs Sherlock.

Spoiler alert – she loves it. The first episode she watched while quilting a blanket. About 20 minutes in, she stopped that to pay attention. We’re on the second season now and she devotes all of her attention to what’s going on. She sits as still as a cat watching a bird.

I’m enjoying watching them over again too.