Season one review: 1899

It’s been a while since I’ve done a TV review. And it’s not because I’ve only been watching Critical Role. I’m still watching that, but since I’ve finished Campaign 2, I’ve really only been watching it once a week now. I don’t really have an interest in watching Campaign 1.

So aside from Critical Role, we have been watching a smattering of other shows, but mostly Law & Order. We discovered that Amazon Prime has like 16 seasons – so to wind down at the end of the night, we’ll watch a couple of episodes, then head off to bed.

Pitter patter…

I’ll try and review this awesome show – even though I’ve only watched it once all the way through. I probably should watch it through again.

From the creators of Dark, they bring us the next instalment of weird.


The Ship.

The show started out in 1899, on a boat making its way from England to New York. It’s a boat full of immigrants.

It truly starts out as a period piece, and slowly morphs into something strange and wonderful.

And now as I try to write this, I cannot do a review. I’ll end up spoiling it. And you can only watch a show like this once – for the first time. So do me a favour, open up Netflix, and find 1899. Watch it. Binge it, then watch it again, and see if you can write a review.

Go. Now.

Home Video – Schitt’s Creek

Who has two thumbs and just ugly cried through the last episode of the last season of Schitts Creek?


Then I made the mistake of watching the retrospective after show.

What an great show. It took a little while for me to get into it, then it seemed to just fly by. In my defense, I was not mentally prepared for the final episode. I though there was one more season.

So yeah. Now I have to find another no think show. Hopefully I won’t get too attached to it.

But listen closely, not for very much longer

Hey. Hey. You know what day it is? duh, it’s the day before the night before Friday, y’all. Come on, this is all pretty basic information.

I need coffee. It needs to brew faster. Like yesterday.

Speaking of yesterday, my grandmother went to get her nails cut at the nurses office. With COVID happening, they’ve shut that down. They just opened up and this was her first visit back. The nurse noticed that she wasn’t using her walker. My grandmother told the nurse that she can’t use it because she gets stuck every where in the house.

That’s false.

I’ve moved stuff around in just about every room in the house to ensure she can get around with the walker. And trust me, she can fly with that walker. Yesterday my mom was livid. One of the rooms she said she couldn’t get around in was her bedroom. My mom pretty much rage cleaned that room. I moved stuff around, and made it a lot better in there for her.

I think it was about 9 my father called, he said he’d be pulling an all nighter fixing a “straight cut header”. I think it cuts the head off straight or something, so my mom offered to bring out his dinner. We left the house at 10. Mom needed me because she has trouble seeing in the dark. Yeah. As Crystal says, it was a ‘Scent of a Woman’ style road trip.

Lemme tell you; it gets DARK out there. No lights from a city, no street lights. Just pure terror inducing darkness.

I did manage to spot 3 deer, and a mouse, all bolting across the road.

It is a blast to hear the GPS say “in 600 meters, turn left, and travel off road.” Or; “in 250 meters, turn right on to unpaved road.”

Made it home at 11, and fell right to sleep.

Take life from tomorrow, cause I’ve burned out today

Good morning! Here’s a coffee cup salute to everyone! We made it to Friday! I knew we would!now y’all just have to make it through the shift with out beating anyone to death with a spatula. It’s gonna be hard, but I know that you can do it. You gotta have faith, playa!

I had a pretty good sleep. One dream in particular, waking me up, because I was annoyed. Lol. Crystal and I went out to eat. It was a place we’ve been to before, but everything changed about the place. It turned in to a shitshow. We ordered, they gave us extra fried fish which we didn’t order. Then they lost our order. Then we got up to dance I think, and they gave away our table. Dream me lost it. Then we were at a wedding and we were all supposed to get money, but it was only the rich people that got the money while the normal people like us got nothing.

Ok let’s play another round of “what did Shawshank watch on VHS this time?” This one should be easy, if you have any taste in cinematic genius.

Now, if you can’t figure it out with those two pictures I don’t know if we should continue being friends. But I’d understand if you didn’t, but I’d also say you need to watch this movie. It’s a great popcorn flick, full of mindless fun, and cheese! But if you need one more hint, I’ve got you fam. Here’s the last pictures, and it’s a doozy!

Happy Friday!