We’re thrashing hotels like it’s going out of style

I awoke with a fright at 5:47am. I could’ve sworn that some one was knocking on my door. So I get up, dressed and go to the back door. No one. Check the front. No one. Get undressed and climb back into bed. Fight to go back to sleep while trying not to relive the last time someone knocked on my door. Jump when the alarm goes off.

Happy Sunday everyone

Let’s hope the rest of the day is better than how it started.

I hope the coffee brews fast. But I can’t rush how fast it goes.

Today is chore day, before going over to Shady Acres for dinner. So that will keep me busy for about a half hour. My heart is still pumping fast. Ok, I’m gonna go now.

Book club – Choose your own adventure

Good morning book nerds! I said I’d post about which book to read next, and here it is! I’m posting early, in hopes that this post will get shared, and commented on. Tomorrow, I’ll post the results and I’ll talk about the first chapter of which ever book you guys and gals decide for me!

I think this will be fun, and I hope for maximum audience participation! So reshare, and comment my beautiful book nerds!

So without further adieu, I present the three books fighting to be read first. So here’s the deal. The book with the most votes, I’ll read first, next, second, and so forth. Fun!

So, vote early, vote often, just like in the US elections! I can’t wait to see what y’all decide! Until tomorrow, book nerds!