Sometimes dropping down to fifty miles per hour only to immediately gun it back up to 90 again fast, slow, fast, fast, slow

Well I almost beat Balatro yesterday.


I would’ve beaten it, if I had one more hand. I had to beat $100,000. I made it to I think 88,000. So I still haven’t beaten it. But I did make it to ante 8, round 24. So that’s something, right?

Other than that, we didn’t do too much. We did the chores, and we relaxed before going over to Shady Acres. It was a nice quiet weekend. But now, I have to go back to work.

In a few hours.

But first, coffee. And hopefully Pippin will wander over and snuggle a little bit.

Well, happy Monday everyone. I hope your week goes well. It’s a long work week this week for me. But hopefully it’s getting warmer out.

Elphie, come on, we’ll be late for Wizomania!

Pippin was very insistent this morning. So I let her under the covers. She didn’t stay too long and was off doing Pippin things again. Up to and including, standing on me and screaming. Standing on the bed and screaming. Standing in the bedroom and screaming. And, I cont forget this one: standing in the hallway outside the bedroom and screaming.

She’s just looking for Chaucer.

I slept pretty good. I was slowly starting to wake up around the time that Pippin was starting, but she quieted down for a few minutes, and I managed to fall back asleep again.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. Like I said in yesterday’s post, it didn’t actually snow. It just looked like it was going to all day. But we managed not to get lost in the new grocery store, and did our other rounds, making it home just a little earlier than normal.

We didn’t do too much after putting away the groceries, and having our subway lunches. Crystal play Balatro, and I think I watched YouTube shorts or something like that. We just spent time together. No! I remember! I browsed Reddit on Crystal’s laptop!

I made wings for myself for dinner, and chicken strips for the Beautiful One. After dinner I gave her the option of an early bath and movie, or just a movie. Crystal chose to just watch a movie, so I put on Wicked.

Why is it part one? Why wasn’t it markets as a part one?

I really liked it. Course I’m going in 1000% blind. I’ve never seen The Wizard of Oz, or really anything related to Oz. Other than I think a SyFy mini series called Tin Man. But does that even count?

Today – chores, coffee. We’ll be heading over to Shady Acres to celebrate my dad’s birthday.

But back to work tomorrow. Yay.

And she was far from in-between, it was summertime in northern Michigan

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Saturday. It hasn’t started to snow yet. But it’s coming.

Update: the snow has disappeared from the forecast!

Oh happy day!

No snow! No snow!

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday afternoon. It was busy, but still workable with 2 people. We managed to get everything finished as we walked out the door. I almost floated out the door, knowing that I have the next 48 hours off. People would ask what I was going to do. I laughed and said, “oh you know, laundry, grocery shopping, etc”. I’m such a social butterfly.

Pippin just climbed up on my lap and has snuggled in for a little while. At least until I’m done with this post, and I get up to get more coffee.

So yeah, it’ll be a good weekend. In a few hours, we’ll head to SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies, and then back to the Flat for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, we’ll be doing chores, and then over to Shady Acres for my father’s birthday.

Monday? Let’s not talk about Monday.

Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend

It’s finally almost the weekend! All that stands between me and 48 hours off, is a simple 8 hour shift at work. Good morning everyone! Welcome to one of the best days of the week – Friyay!

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. I read that there were 3 people on the closing shift the day before, and saw that a coworker decided not to fill the propane. So yesterday, I told my coworker that I was going to fill them, not knowing how many were empty.

I walk out to the propane cage, and notice that there are 6 empty tanks. Well, shit. So I haul them over to the filler , and started. I was working with a good guy yesterday, and he soloed the store while I was outside. So let me back up a little. The rink came with 3 tanks to fill and he was wandering around the store. I told him next time just come in, and tell us that you have tanks to fill, that way we can get started on them right away. His excuse: well you looked busy, I didn’t want to bother you. Sir. Sir, with all due respect, we always look like we’re busy. We work in retail. We can make folding a piece of paper look like that’s what we’re supposed to be doing at that moment. So I went out. Originally he was just going to get one tank filled, but hung out while I did all three. Then I started in on the 6 tanks.

After that, it was just steady in the store for most of the afternoon. There was a hockey game that evening so me and the part timer were trying to figure out when the game started, and when we thought the game would be over. So we missed the post-game rush.

Good times.

But it’s a new day here the sun is shining, and looking at the weather app, we’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown while it snows tomorrow. That means Crystal will have her head down and not looking. Hopefully the app is wrong. But if it isn’t, it is what it is. We need supplies.

But first – coffee. Happy Friyay everyone!