12 drummers drumming

Here we are again, o dark thirty. I’m a broken record, but I slept like the dead. It only took mere minutes for me to drift off to sleep. I think I was up, and out to the bathroom around 2 or 3. Or I just woke up and look at the clock. I really can’t remember. The next time I woke up, it was 6:58. Come on! Why couldn’t I just wake up when the alarm went off?!

But here we are.


It wasn’t a bad day at work last night. Kinda slow. But we got it done, and made more money than first shift. The night crew kids are very nice, and so much patience for an old dude like me. So far, I get a long pretty well with everyone. I’m on my third week this week, and things are starting to click. Slowly. But they’re clicking.

Today is the last day off until Sunday I believe. Two opening shifts then a closing shift, and then Saturday shift – 9-6. Should be too bad. And I should be getting my first pay check on Friday.

Nothing major planned for today – heading over to the second hand store, and the post office. We gotta pack up the package for the in-laws today. Other than that, nothing is planned. Which is nice.

I’m gonna end this today, I need to get more coffee, and do some other things. But I have a snuggly Chaucer. He’ll be mad that he needs to move, but he’ll get over it. Happy Tuesday y’all 🙂

11 pipers piping

Good morning. I was up mere minutes before the alarm went off. I think, that I actually fell asleep with one minute left – so the alarm was a little frightening when it went off. But here we are now.

The kittens have been fed, and their litter cleaned. Chaucer is wandering around. I need to get some more paper towel out just in case he pops. I really should get up and get another roll out.

It was a chilly day when we actually went out into the world. Inside, nice and warm. I took over the Switch yesterday. I think I beat No Man’s Sky. I’m not too sure though. My character woke up and again my ship was missing and damaged somewhere on the planet. I just called another ship and left the planet.

I needed up selling my class S ship, and I started rebuilding on a class B ship. It looks cooler, and it actually is functional with the solar sail. The solar sail is nice because it recharges some of your systems. So it’s cheaper in the long run.

Long story short, I’m back to square one. I have once again, no idea what I’m doing. I’ll keep going for a little bit longer just to see what’s happening in the game. I’m enjoying it.

After that, we headed over to Shady Acres. Mom handed us three small food totes of cookies. She says she’s just about finished baking.

We have cookies!

When we got home, Crystal fired up the Switch and played some Divinity 2 until it was time for hot cocoa. We fell into bed, and I was out in record time.

Ten lords a-leaping

“It’s Sunday, it’s brunch day. Are you ready for a piece of bacon?”Crystal to Chaucer. Just minutes ago.

The coffee has finished brewing, and Chaucer is in between us, and snuggly and purry. It’s Sunday. And all the light in the world is gone only blackness. Blackness and snow. That is an our life now. Winter is here.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. We got up and did our morning thing, like you do. Coffee, and Dateline. I got up and cleaned off the Hot Mess Express, since I didn’t drive it to work on Friday. I wanted to clean it off before date night. From there, we hopped into my mom’s truck and headed off in an easterly direction to SlightlyBiggerTown.

Shopping went very well. We got what was on the list, and a couple of items that I forgot to put on the list. It was busy. A little busier than normal. When we were finished, we roll up to a check out. No one is there, but the light is on. This is normal. The cashier is usually a couple lanes down, normally bagging. So we get all the product on the belt and someone comes over and tells us that the cashier was there but forgot to shut off her light, and that she would be over when she got her line down.

No problems. Were patient.

After a couple of minutes, I think the manager came over to check us out. We got everything bagged, and headed on our merry way. We hit up the dollar store, and then the pharmacy. After those to places, we popped over to the weed superstore and grabbed a little something something.

We came home and I dropped off mom’s truck and walked back for a very quick lunch. After lunch I got a turn on the switch. Well not a turn, I asked if I could play and an enthusiastic yes from Crystal. I’ve been all work and no play during the week so it was nice to settle down and play.

I played before and after dinner. No Man’s Sky is great, but is very slow. Usually after about an hour and a half of playing, that’s when actual stuff starts to happen. And true to that, I slowly started to move the main story line forward. Then you notice that it’s 9pm. So I logged off and made some hot chocolate for the both of us.

Holy cow, I’m talkative today. Happy Sunday, let’s kick some chores in the balls and claim the day!

Nine ladies dancing

I don’t think that I wanted to get out of bed this morning. The beds temperature was, to me, perfect. I think I was awake earlier, but I think I was just light sleeping before the alarm went off, but I’m not sure. All I know is that I was totes snuggly, and then there were voices in the room. I had to get up so I could stop the voices.

So it snowed here yesterday. I think the amount was more than people thought we would get. I had heard two plows had flipped over, one from about 20 minutes from here. First shift at work was wicked slow. The manager had left early. The shift I was on was just as slow. It wasn’t too bad, steady. We got out with my coworker achieving a personal best in time management.

Today, we’ll be heading into SlightlyBiggerTown for some much needed groceries, and a trip to the weed store. We have to hit up the dollar store to find a Santa hat, and some Christmas lights.

I need more coffee. Happy Saturday y’all. Let’s get ready to start the day. In a little while.