Later we’ll have some pumpkin pie and we’ll do some caroling

*yawn* here we are again. Early freakin morning, on a Saturday. I’ll be working in a few hours. I think it took a minute for me to fall asleep, but when I did, I only woke up one or two times. The first time was either 12:22, or 2:22. I was warm. Glistening, in fact. I slid both my legs out from under the cover embraced the cold for a second or two, and fell back asleep, feeling cooler. The second time was even shorter. I think it was either 5, or 6 am. Again, just for a second, before I fell back asleep until the alarm went off.

The coffee has been brewed, and we’re enjoying the first couple of sips, as we both start to write our daily posts. Crystal gave the cats some catnip this morning, and they have both partaken of it. Partook? I’m not an English major to figure that out. It’s still early, maybe I’ll figure it out sometime today.

Yep I have to work today. My first weekend shift. If yesterday is an indicator, it should be pretty busy today. For about an hour and a half to two hours last night. For me it was busy. Car after car, and a steady stream of customers coming in. We got through it, and after the “rush” it became manageable when the swing shift left, leaving me and the closing (for lack of a better word) manager. Closing didn’t have any problems, and we got out of there right when we were supposed to. I don’t think that I forgot to do anything, and the shop looked pretty good when we left.

And now, here we are. Chaucer is gonna be annoyed after I hit publish, as I’ll be having to get up to go to the bathroom. But that’s ok, he’ll get over it. Let’s go Saturday! Hopefully the shift will go without a hitch, and time flies. But first, let’s have some coffee!

Hey Griswold, where do you think you’re gonna put a tree that big?

Welp, here we are again. Good morning my friends. I once asked a guy I worked with long ago, that if you have to work on Saturday, is Friday still an important milestone for the week. He said of course it is, it’s still the end of the week, and that’s fuckin important! Don’t shit on Fridays.

I consider that pretty sage advice.

Happy Friday everyone! We’ve made it! It’s been a long week of closing the shop, then opening it, and here we are, closing the shop tonight. Tomorrow will be my first weekend shift. I’m told it’s busy.

I got my first pay check today. woohoo!

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. The day went pretty quickly, until about noon, then time seemed to slow for a little while. Then all of a sudden, it was time to go. I flew out and drove home, ready to relax for a bit.

I gave Crystal the choice of going out for dinner or just ordering a pizza. She chose pizza, and it was pizza day, so we got two free appetizers. I believe she enjoyed the mozzarella sticks over the mushroom bites.

It was yummy, but a dense pizza. I could only get three pieces in me. I was stuffed.

But today is a new day. Let’s see what happens today!

I really can’t stay but baby it’s cold outside

Hey hey, bitches. It’s ya boy. It’s very bright outside which was the complete opposite of this morning when it was very dark out. But surprisingly warmish out.

I got up, and shut off the alarm, and stumbled into the bathroom to do my thing, and get dressed. Coffee on, cats fed. I watched a little bit of the news this morning. More on for not noise, but something.

I made my lunch, ate breakfast, and started the Hot Mess. I pull into work and mentally prepare myself to start the day. I much prefer the morning shift – not the waking up at the ass crack of dawn? But because the opening shift has stuff to do, unless second shift got a lot done.

They got a lot done.

So I do my usual morning routine, and then… pretty much both me and the BossLady just didn’t do too much of anything. I mean we did stuff, but since there wasn’t too much to do, we didn’t do anything too quickly. If you know what I mean.

Since there was only two of us, and the boss was putting in her order, I was left to myself to do most of the stuff I was trained for. I got through it without any problems, which is awesome! I can still learn new things! It just takes a little longer for it to sink in.

We’re getting pizza for dinner tonight, since I’ll be working our usual date night. It’s pizza day at the restaurant close to the Flat, and we’ll be getting some free appetizers, yum!

Which is good, because I’m a little peckish.

All I want for Christmas is you

Oh geez, I almost totally forgot to post today. I don’t have a lot of time in the mornings when I have to be up for first shift, so I figured that I would post as soon as I got home. Well, I was tired, so I went onto the bed for a quick hour nap. Pippin chose to come to bed with me, and snuggled right up under my chin, where she stayed for the hour that I was there.

Lawd, 4:30 cones wicked early – especially when I only lightly slept until about 12:30 or so this morning. I was either too hot, or way too cold. I did manage to fall into a nice deep sleep until Crystal’s alarm went off, which I quickly shut off, then 2 minutes later, mine went off. I shut the second alarm off pretty quickly, and started my day.

Feed the cats.

Turn on the coffee.

Eat a quick breakfast of a bowl of cereal.

Start the car, to let it warm up.

Make lunch.

From there I drove to work, and started the day. Turning on the lights, making coffee, verifying last nights counts. You know, all the fun stuff.

It was very slow this morning. Before I left, the delivery came, so for the last half hour, I put as much product out before I left.

So when I got home, I was a little tired, so like I said I put myself down for a nap. It was nice, and when I got up, I was freezing. I’ve slowly warmed up over the course of a couple of hours.

I fed the kitties.

And then I started dinner. Crystal gave me the choice of hamburgers or poutine. I chose poutine, and I am a fat man right now. Crystal just finished the dishes m, and Pippin has taken over the cube. I’m sure Chaucer just decided it wasn’t worth the effort, so I believed that he just went up onto the bed.

Another early day tomorrow. I’m working my first weekend day on Saturday. Then it’ll be the staff Christmas party on Sunday. Oh happy day!