Gosh your lips look delicious

Omg guys! It’s the day before the night before Christmas! That’s right, bitches only a few short hours before the fat man comes into your home, eats your snacks, and probably puts your clothes on to see if your skin will fit him. But if he likes the snacks that you’ve left out, he won’t take your skin, and he’ll actually leave a present for you.

Hopefully that will be the outcome when he comes to The Flat. I hope he’ll like the snack that we have. I’ll leave a note apologizing that we couldn’t leave the snacks out for him, because we have cats. And they’d eat the snack if it was left out. But in the note I’ll tell him where he can find it.

Yesterday at work was a busy day. It started off slow, but really picked up the closer we got to when I had to leave. I was given the choice of leaving 15 minutes early, or sticking around to cover the counter. I covered the counter, and I was glad that I did. We had a 25 minute rush, and three people were absolutely needed.

After work, I had been summoned to the old job. I was a little nervous, but way more curious about how much stock was left. Well, I walked in, and I could tell old BossLady was in the bathroom. That’s fine, it gave me all the time I needed to take some pictures of the shop. It’s empty. But not empty at the same time. It almost looked like how a store like that is supposed to look like. After some small talk, I was on my way with two bags of fabric for Crystal, and two small presents for each of us. For Crystal, she got a beret from the store. We recognized the hand written price tag. I got a toque with a light built into it.

I got back to the flat, and showed Crystal all the fabric, there’s some good stuff in there for some pants. Some really funky fabrics. From there, we headed out for date night at the local restaurant. I had wings, and Crystal had the usual. Of course, it was yummy like it usually is. We ate, paid, and left back home again.

From there, I played No Man’s Sky until it was time to shower. Shortly after our shower, it was time for bed. We slept, but we were both up early, me around 6, and I don’t know how long Crystal was awake before I woke up. This afternoon might be nappy time. We do have to go out to SlightlyBiggerTown this morning for some last minute presents, food, and some weed.

Since I’m working tomorrow, I’m going to try to get the chores done this afternoon when we get back. We also have to stop by Shady Acres, as my mom is making some cornbread for Crystal – so we’ll have to grab the other ingredients for her cornbread stuffing.

Well, I’ve written a novel here, so I’m gonna hit submit and get some more coffee. Happy Saturday. Make sure you’re getting flesh strips ready for the reindeer. They have a taste for human flesh, if you didn’t know that. Human flesh, or squirrel. They can’t tell the difference. Weird, huh?

There’s a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well

Good morning my friends. It’s Friday! We’ve made it to the weekend. I have tomorrow off, but have to work Sunday. That’s ok, I’m the low man on the totem pole. I understand, and it’s ok.

So we’re sitting here last night watching tv. I think it was Antiques Roadshow, and I get a text. Weird. I look over and it’s old BossLady. She says she has something for me. I told her I was working until 4, and could stop by on the way home. I wonder what she has for me. Crystal seems to think that she might have a Christmas present for me. I have no idea.

So yeah I don’t have to be in until 8, so I have some coffee and I’m slowly waking up. The alarm was set for 6:30, but my mind woke me up at 5 saying that the alarm wasn’t set properly. Spoiler alert; it totally was, and went off without a hitch at 6:30.

So I’m gonna cut this short, I have to get ready for work, and whatever happens at OldWork. We’ll see. But I also think that tonight could possibly be a date night. So that’s a good thing, and totes exciting

It’s so exciting, that it may have wandered into fetch territory. Happy Friyay all!

O, star of wonder, star of night

Well, good morning. It’s dark and still feels cold out there. I was hoping that it would be warmer than when I went to sleep. But anyways, it’s a brand new day. And my last day this week of getting up at the ass crack of dawn. Tomorrow I can sleep in a little. That’s a good thing.

I went to bed last night, and tried to get into the middle of the bed, as to get more snuggles when Crystal came to bed. Again, I didn’t feel her climb into bed. I sure hope that I snuggled her a little.

Work was pretty good yesterday. The morning was busier than the day before, but we were plagued with some printer problems. Hopefully whatever was the problem, it sorted itself out before we get in this morning.

I played Santa Claus yesterday. Stopping at the post office I picked up all the packages for mom, and delivered them as she had an afternoon nap. She didn’t hear me come in and drop them off on the bench, and slip out.

Today – work. After work, I’ll grab Crystal, and pop over to the second hand store, to see if there’s any last minute items to pack in the box due for Florida. Yes, we procrastinate. Good times.

But right now – motherfucking coffee. Let’s go!

I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toes

Just a quick post this morning, only because I always forget once I get home to post. I was sort of up a little early before the alarm. Pippin at some point in the night was a runny girl. She bounced off of me a couple of times. I don’t know if she spontaneously decided to run like the wind, or if it was when Crystal came to bed.

It’s been weird funny dreams the last couple of nights. But they fade so fast, all I can remember is something strange happened, but I can’t remember details, or really what happened. Just a feeling lingers.

It’s a chilly morning here. The wind is blowing. I changed sweaters to one that offers a little more neck protection. I’ll be wearing the big coat I think.

Gotta grab the mail after work and deliver it to mom. She hasn’t been feeling that well, so I figure that it’ll help her.

Ok, I have to start the morning routine. I wonder if I’ll forget about this post, and later this afternoon I’ll panic about not getting a post out to the void. Well, rest easy young Shawshank. You post is already up!