Heart breaker, soul shaker I’ve been told about you

Welp, here we are again. Up at the ass crack of dawn. I’ve actually been up for about 15 minutes before the alarm. That’s the story. When it’s my day off, I’ll sleep right up to the alarm. Work days, up before the alarm. I can’t explain it, and I’m not too fond of it.

Anyways, it’s dark. It’s always dark. But I have some coffee, and the weather seems agreeable this morning.

I think we had a pretty good day yesterday. I got the notice that the Christmas package had arrived. I picked it up, and ran/walked back to the Flat. I hurriedly wrapped up the package and brought them out to Crystal.

I did really well! She loved everything that I had picked out. I’m sure in a couple of hours when she gets up (she’s already awake, but I wouldn’t get out of bed if I were here), she’ll post all the individual items.

After the presents, and a couple of hours later, we went out and Crystal got her hair did. It looks amazing. I was told I’ve done a great job of keeping the lines straight. I’ve done a good job. Woot!

Ok time for me to continue with the morning stuff. I’m a little ahead of the game, I packed the last of the chicken bowls, so lunch is taken care of.

Have a great Thursday. Holy shit, it’s already Thursday!

He waited his whole damn life to take that flight

It’s about that time again. Time to make the post. Welcome back my friends to the show the show that never ends. We’re all awake here, apparently, the cats and Crystal have been up for a while. Crystal tells me that Pippin was right on top of us. I didn’t feel her, but I can totes believe it.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad of a day. Worked the Boxing Day shift. It wasn’t too bad at all. Totally manageable. It was a good shift for sure. Nothing totally overwhelming. The shift moved pretty quickly. We were out of there on time. After work, I flew home, and made some amazing sandwiches – leftover turkey sandwiches. I made some homemade noodles as well, I was a hungry hippo.

We don’t have anything to do today, save shipping out the in-laws package. We’ve never been good at shipping stuff out on time, so to uphold that tradition, it’ll be packed up and shipped out today. Hopefully, at the same time there should be some packages at the PO as well. If so, I’ll be wrapping when I get home. We’ll play it by ear.

But before all that happens, coffee. And kitten snuggles. Chaucer was just patiently waiting to come up, but noticed Pippin eating out of his dish. He pushed her out of it, and is eating. Again.

Welcome to Wednesday!

Er hatte Schulden, denn er trank doch ihn liebten alle Frauen

Guten morgen everyone. Welcome to Boxing Day. I have to work this morning, so mentally I’m already preparing for the day. It’s dark, as per normal for this time of the year.

It was a really good day yesterday. We got up at the normal time, and I bought White Christmas, so that’s what we watched whilst having our morning coffee. It’s a long movie, so we finished up watching as Crystal put on her makeup.

From there, we popped over to Grammas, where we opened some presents, and chit-chatted for a while. Then we went into the activity room, and had a gorgeous scrumptious lunch. So technically I had Christmas dinner twice yesterday. The cook at the home is really good. Everything was from scratch.

I wasn’t to fond of the Watergate salad, and the Christmas pudding, but everything else was really good. After lunch, we walked my gramma back to her room, grabbed all of our jackets and hats and stuff, and my gramma led the way to the entrance. We all gave her hugs and kisses and we went home, and my parents – back to Shady Acres.

Crystal bought me Cult of the Lamb on the switch, so that’s what I tried out for a few hours before we had to be at Shady Acres. It’s a really fun and neat game. I have 5 followers in my cult.

We went over around three, mom put on Eddie Murphy’s Amazon Christmas movie – Candy Cane Lane. It was a cute movie, mostly predicable, but not too bad. I went into the kitchen and helped my mom with dinner, where I got a kick ass burn on my right index finger. I was transferring a cast iron frying pan from the oven to the counter, and the pot holder I had wasn’t a good one, and the heat jumped through very quickly. I managed to get it to the counter without screaming or swearing! It was a Christmas miracle.

It was a really really good day. We went to bed sleepy, those damn sugarplums dancing in our heads. I was up around 6, but managed to mostly fall asleep again until the alarm went off. And now here we are. I think it’s Tuesday.

It’s Boxing Day. So make sure you give gifts to your downstairs staff, they appreciate it.