We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

*yawn* good morning motherfuckers. We’re all awake here. Crystal was up earlier, and I got up at the alarm, but was up briefly in the dark to go to the bathroom, and up briefly at around 6:30, but Crystal came back and I snuggled close and fell back asleep.

Yesterday was a little exciting for this little town. I was at work, talking on the phone, when this huge wind came. It brought rain with it, the rain was actually falling sideways for about 3-5 minutes. Then it was just overcast. At lunch on my way home m, I was stopped by some friends, and was given some cucumbers, and some green beans. I was asked if I saw the tree that fell. I said which tree, and was told you’ll see.

So I continue my short walk home and I see it. The flat 3 down from me had a tree fall over. They were very lucky l, because the tree didn’t do any damage, other than it scraping the gutters and pushing them in. Cut to the rest of the afternoon, where anyone that drove, walked or rode by, had to slow down and take a picture. That tree is a celebrity. It was hilarious.

That was the highlight of the day!

We also went to the second hand store yesterday. I found a couple of books, and Crystal found some funky stuff as well. It was a really nice afternoon.

But back to a full day of work today. And I think it’s gonna be a hot one out there. Time for coffee.

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Good morning my friends. It’s been a whirlwind here. From what Crystal says we had thunder, lightning, and some rain in the early hours this morning. I got up, on autopilot, and closed the bedroom window. The wind was making the blinds rattle. Then I went to the bathroom, closed the curtain in the kitchen, then climbed back into bed.

I missed everything!

It’s Tuesday morning, and it’s a little gray out there. The wind, and all the fun stuff from this morning is all over. It looks like a typical “after-storm” here. It’s back to work day today. But it’s a short day. Shouldn’t be too hard of a day. I have a couple of things to do this morning.

The coffee tastes really good this morning. The garbage truck is making his rounds, and just picked up our bin, so the next time I go out, I’ll retrieve the bin and bring it back to the Flat.

It’s pretty humid out there, hopefully that drops just a little bit. 70% humidity is a little too much. But it looks like the day has potential to be a nice hot day. But we’ll see what the day has in store for us.

I want a girl who gets up early (gets up early)

The alarm scared me this morning when it went off. It roused me from a deep sleep. I only got up once in the night, around 2:30 this morning. I had to get up and pee, after I learned that I can make it into the kitchen without opening my eyes. I got some water, said hi to Pippin, who was sleeping on the couch. I made it back and climbed into bed, and quickly fell back asleep.

Yesterday was a nice lazy day. Other than chores, we really didn’t do anything at all. Just watched tv, and relaxed. After all that, we took off for Shady Acres for the afternoon. When my dad woke up Crystal asked him to take a look at her fire poi.m to see if he can fix the screw problem. It looks like he fixed it to what Crystal was hoping for. Maybe this evening, we’ll test them.

I don’t think that we have anything planned for today. I’ll have to make the trip up to the post office, as there should be a package for us up there with many many treasures in the box. Other than that, I don’t think that there is any place that we need to be today. Which is just right for us. I’ll take lazy summer days. Those days are pretty much numbered now.

I just remembered what day it was, and transferred the rent over to the land lord. Woot! The Flat is ours for another month! Chaucer just climbed up on the couch between us. With the weather being cooler, he’s such a snuggle monkey. Ok it’s time for a coffee refill. Happy Monday y’all 🤠

Bap pa lula ni chao pao pati cha ni saong kong yeah, ride

Good morning my friends. I trust y’all had a pretty ok sleep last night. Crystal cleaned gigantor for me last night, and told me before I was allowed to have cereal, I had to try it totally cleaned, and with an ice cube in it. So I carried it out and fired it up.

I got high.

And the cereal tasted really good.

We finished off season 3 of The Witcher. If they make a 4th season, Geralt’s boots will be a challenge to fill wit the least popular Hemsworth. I’ll try and keep an open mind, and I’ll try not to just Mr. Hunger Games too much. But it’ll totally be a challenge for him.

Yesterday, at work – it was totally quiet. I didn’t hear too many cars moving up and down the street. It was like a ghost town out there. But I did have a couple of browsers come in and look around. One of the browsers was a lady from a couple of days or weeks ago looking at an indoor/outdoor rug. She’s getting closer at pulling the trigger. I wouldn’t be surprised if she came in next week to pick it up.

Nothing much planned for the day. It’s chore day, so I’ll be starting that in a little while. Chaucer is on the chair in the living room “old manning” the front door. He’s like a little neighbourhood watch. He’s keeping an eye on everything. I believe that Pippin is doing the same out the back door.

The coffee is flowing, and I have a beautiful woman on the couch next to me. What more can you ask for? For me? Nothing. It’s a good day so far. I hope all y’all have a good Sunday.