As you promised me that I was more than all the miles combined

*yawn* I’m awake, really I am. See, I’m typing this. Not live mind you, I’m typing this from the past. I slept like the dead last night. I think I was mostly asleep as I was climbing up into bed. I also think that I didn’t move too much either. The kink in my neck is evidence of that. it’s Wednesday? And it’s a day off for me. It’s also wicked cold. With the wind, I think my weather app says that it’s -2° out there.

Nasty cold weather. But we ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s gonna get mostly colder in the coming days, a week at most.

Yesterday at work was wicked slow for the shift. I mean it wasn’t too bad. Just slow. We got people coming in, but I think a lot of people simply took the day off, to keep the party going. We did a lot of cleaning. The day went quickly, but it didn’t feel like it, in the moment.

I came home after the shift, and watched Crystal play some Cult of the Lamb. I lazed around and surfed some Reddit on her laptop for most of the afternoon. For dinner I made some sausages, scalloped potatoes, and chicken stuffing. It was very yummy.

We watched some TV, and all that stuff, and then shuffled off to bed, where – see paragraph 1. This blog post was a full circle moment. I’m a wordsmith. I words smithily. I am master of the prose.

Back at the roadhouse they got some bungalows

Good morning, friends. Here we are again. Wicked early in the morning. The coffee is still brewing, and for the most part, Pippin is running around like a crazy person.

It’s dark and cold out there, pretty normal stuff.

I passed right out last night. I only woke up once, and it was around 2am. But thankfully, I fell back asleep until the alarm went off.

I’ll leave you with a picture. I think Pippin was looking for a book in the night.

Have a great day y’all! Happy Tuesday!

We’ll drink a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne

Good morning, happy New years! Out with 2023, and in with 2024. 2023 was a wild and crazy year, and from what the news is saying, 2024, is expected to be just as crazy. I hope that it’s just a little less crazy, and a little less pandemic. Can’t we all just get along?

But yes, it’s the new year. It’s pretty peaceful out there this morning. I love getting up at this time because, the town is still asleep, and it is so very quiet out there. Soon the town will wake up, and then the sounds of the town will start up. But not too much, because everything is closed today. That’s fine, we’re not going anywhere.

In fact, since I had to work yesterday, all the chores will be happening today. In just a few hours, the sounds of industry will start to echo through the Flat. But that’s in a few. I want to get some coffee in me, you know, to help the eyes focus.

Work actually wasn’t too bad. It was busy, but I think since I was more prepared for it. We didn’t have the rush at 12:30, like Christmas Eve, but the main rush happened right as we opened. That’s a good thing, right? Get the busyness of the day right out of the way. There wasn’t a lot of random people coming in, it was mostly steady the whole day.

The day went a lot quicker, which is awesome! We got out, pretty much on time. I drove back to the Flat, and started the haul of appetizers. it was a full plate meal, and it was very very good. There were fries, pork ribs, chicken nuggies, and some shramp. We ate until we almost burst.

We made it to the east coast ringing in the new year, but we could bring ourselves to stay up another hour. So we got into bed, and wished each other a happy new years, and snuggled in for a long winters nap.

Happy 2024 everyone!

The people like, “Damn! That’s a cold ass honkey.”

I woke up at 6:15. In my mind that was ok, only 15 minutes before my alarm goes off. Wrong. While I was lying there, waiting for the alarm to go off, I remembered that the alarm is set to go off at 7. Well, shit. I managed to fall back into a lightish sleep until the alarm went off.

Now, we’re all awake, and the coffee is brewing. There should be enough to get a couple of cups while it’s still brewing.

We didn’t do too much of anything yesterday. After Crystal got ready, we drove to SlightlyBiggerTown and grabbed some groceries, some of which are outside, as the freezer is full. Thankfully, it’s 10° out there, so they’re safely frozen out there. Most of the food is for tonight – we’re going to have appetizers for dinner tonight. A whole bunch of everything.

After the groceries were put away, we had lunch, and then I settled down to play some video games. We had a couple of hours to kill, before popping over to Shady Acres. I just wanted to go over and give my parents their Christmas gifts that arrived on Wednesday. I think they liked them. I didn’t stay long. Crystal didn’t go, because she was napping.

I got home, and played some more video games. I was playing No Man’s Sky. I was heading to an objective, and it decided to crash, so I tried the demo of Dave the Diver, which is a cute little game. I played that for a while. Then it was time for dinner.

I can’t really remember what we did after dinner. I think I played some more No Man’s Sky. I played that for about an hour or so, then it was time to start the winding down process, and slowly start to get ready for bed.

I gotta work in a few hours, so I’m pushing all chores until tomorrow. Hopefully, now that I’ve lived through Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve will hopefully go smoother. Either way, I’ll make it through it. I’m working with a different person today. It might go a little smoother.

See all y’all next year! No cap!