Those patio lanterns they were the stars in the sky

Good morning, faithful readers. It’s finally Friyay! Although, I had woken up briefly, and I could’ve swore that it was Thursday. I know this, because I double checked before I started this post. But here we are, the nicest day of the week.

It’s kinda bright out there, and it’s crisp. Fall has taken hold here. It’s only a matter of time before the snow starts to fall. Winter is coming.

Yesterday was a long, difficult day at work. Hopefully today will go a little faster, and hopefully BossLady will be in a better mood.

Chaucer just came up on my lap. He’s loafed and is very happy. When we woke up this morning, both kittens were on the bed all snuggled in.

So I’m gonna go refill my cup, and start the day. Let’s go Friday! Here’s to hoping the day goes quickly!

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