The people like, “Damn, that’s a cold-ass honky”

It’s a chilly and gray day out there. The wind is blowing, and the bed was as near to a perfect temp as it ever could be. However, if the alarm went off, that means it’s another day here in TinyTown.

Good morning everyone. The coffee is brewing. Please wait your turn to have a cup.

Yesterday actually wasn’t too bad. I was on yard patrol for the day. I spent most of the day clearing out some dead brush and weeding. I think I’d have done more if I had roundup to get the weeds.

I also got to leave a little early as honestly there wasn’t too much to actually do. So I left around 3ish. I grabbed Crystal and we hopped over to the second hand store. I found her a couple of pretty awesome sheets so she can make some more genie pants.

From there we went over to help mom quickly with some snaps. We ended up taking our new blanket, and Crystal will put the snaps on it, probably today. I have to remember to lay it out on the bed today.

I should probably do it now. Hey, it’s not snowing out so that’s a good thing. Happy Wednesday y’all!

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