More Zelda musings

Here we are again, me talking about Tears of the Kingdom. Just when I think I know what I’m doing, shit will enviably go sideways! But I’m slowly getting the handle in things. I’m currently ignoring all the main quests – I’m doing side quests, exploring, and just general fuckery.

Crystal is currently playing. For the last couple of weeks, I think, she’s been deep under Hyrule, exploring the Depths. I’ve been down a few times, but she has a huge chunk of it mapped, where I have just a small smattering. On the other hand, I have just about the whole top side map opened up. So we’re doing the same thing, but in completely different areas.

I’m doing all the “useless” side quests, like taking pictures for Sayge in Hateno, which gives me new paraglider skins. I also travelled up to Death Mountain, to get some Goron spice so I can start to grow my own food stuff. That’s pretty neat.

I also did a handful of quests in Tarrey Town – and subsequently I own a plot of land, and have a quant two room “dream home”. I’ll be able to build on that. I can have ip to 15 rooms, so it’ll be a build over time, to be a Barbie dream house.

You can’t tell me how to play the game!

First impressions: Tears of the Kingdom

So, I started TotK this morning. It’s massively huge. it took me about 4 or maybe 5 hours to get out of the hell that was the starting area. Don’t get me wrong, it was a really nice starting area, but a couple of things stuck out that were bothering me.

1. You wake up, and get the usually welcome back talk. You are provided with pants. Just pants. I was second guessing my exploring skills thinking that I missed the shirt. I was actually going to restart this morning, because I wanted to find the shirt.

2. I know BotW was spread out in the beginning, but there was a lot more … life out there. This “sky-island” (which shall henceforth be known as a “sky-land”) was pretty empty.

3. After you *think* you’re just about done, they pull a fast one, and then tell you that there’s just one more shrine – across the map. Thankfully they then show you how to warp back to where you started, and then make you search for the damn thing lol

Then finally you can leave the starting area. I think think that I’ve died so many times, just starting out.

Then as I’m plummeting to my sure death, my mind tells me, you missed a major item. You didn’t find the paraglider. So I’m freaking out as I’m falling to my death. I ended up aiming for a lake so, I can live. Which put me miles away from where the little yellow dot is telling me to go.

Contrary to what I just wrote, I am having fun, and I probably could’ve stayed in the starting area for a few more hours to try and find more things of interest.

I can’t wait to play more tomorrow. Crystal is playing right now, and I’m gonna try and help her as much as I can.

I need to start killing monsters and such. I just came from BotW with over 30k in rupees, and now I’m completely broke again!

Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell

Good Sunday morning everyone. We’re in the thick of the weekend now. It’s a little gray out there with a slight breeze. But it’s not snowing, so there’s that.

We were up wicked early yesterday to watch the Kings coronation, so around 10:30 last night we went to bed. Once I was comfortable, I was out. I crashed like Paul Walker*

Work yesterday was ok. There were a few people that popped in just “to snoop around”. I figured it out yesterday – there’s not a lot to do in these small towns, so in an effort to get out and to do something, people will drive from small town to small town to see what’s there. I totally believe that bored people would actually go to car dealerships you know, for fun.

After work, I picked up Crystal and we took off to the closest car dealership greenhouse. It’s not too far, pretty close to the only gas station on the outskirts of town. We wandered around looking at all the pretty plants.

We ended up getting some Brussels sprouts, morning glory, heartbreaker, and midnight sky. I can’t wait to see what they look like when they’re all flowering and looking good. And most importantly, we’ll hopefully have some yummy sprouts in a month or two. Bonus!

Today is chore day, I’ll be starting that in an hour or so. I need coffee first to power Big Chore. I contacted my landlady yesterday, and told her about the screen door. She gave me the contact info for the handyman, I copied and pasted the same text message to him, and he stopped by and took a look. He should be stopping by tomorrow to see if he can fix it. Thankfully, we’re not the only people that have a bum screen door.

Alright, I’ve typed too much! It’s like a book up in here! Happy Sunday y’all! Have some coffee!

*too soon?

There’s a log on the fire and it burns like me for you

Awake, I think. Again, out like a light. I crash hard at night. I don’t mean too. I wanted to stay up a little later, as it was Saturday. Sadly, I was starting to fall asleep at like 10:45. So much for staying up later than normal. I couldn’t even make it until 11. It’s terrible.

We had a classy ass dinner last night. Kraft Dinner, coconut shramp, chicken balls, and for Crystal, Brussels sprouts. Lemme tell you, it was really good. I really enjoyed it.

I forgot to check to see if any new movies were on movie box last night. Logically, no new movies have probably been uploaded, but I should’ve remembered to check though.

Today, well you know the drill. It’s chore day here. I’ll start it later. I’d like to fully wake up and not have to physically force my eyes to stay focused.

Chaucer just crawled up on my lap. He’s been pretty good lately. He hasn’t really thrown up since I stopped giving him milk. He did throw up this morning, but it’s back to what it was – good he ate too fast, as opposed to just green stomach acid and stuff like that. He doesn’t like not getting milk, but I’m sure he feels a lot better. The last couple of nights he hasn’t even come to beg for milk as we’re getting out night cereal.

Ok, I need more coffee. Hopefully it won’t snow today! We don’t want anymore snow! When we went to SlightlyBiggerTown yesterday, the hardware store had all their summer out in front of the store.