
So the middle of last week or so, after weeks of trying, I finally did it! I was finally in the right place at the right time to be able to climb up on to the light dragon. As I landed on it, I quickly passed by all the ??? On the back of him. I ran up to the head, dropped a weapon so I’d have an open slot for the Master Sword.

As soon as I grabbed the hilt, the dragon went crazy – shaking his head in order to try and shake me loose. It didn’t work. I had read that if you could get in the dragon, you’d need a minimum of 2 circles of stamina. I have three, so I knew I’d be ok.

After a wicked cool cut scene, I had the Master Sword. I didn’t even need to drop the other weapon, the Master Sword created its own weapon slot. Damn, I had dropped a pretty good weapon too!

How many damn posts will this be?!

Just a short post today. We just got over to my parents place, and Crystal has asked if we could bring over the Switch. Of course!

So when we got there, I unplugged the Chromecast, and plugged in the Switch. Boom! She’s somewhere in Necluda, looking for caves.

Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I managed to beat the Wind Temple, and about a week back, I beat the Lightning Temple. According to all the guides I look at, they say to do the Lightning Temple last. I didn’t do that I beat it second. Lemme tell you, the boss was a challenge.

But I did it, and returned Gerudo town to its former glory. Then I worked on some quests in town. They’re always cute, and relatively quick and easy.

This afternoon, I became a Yiga blademaster. I’m a full fledged member now. The Yiga aren’t the smartest in the land of Hyrule.

Tears of the Kingdom… again?!

Yep here we are again, talk talk talkin about Tears of the Kingdom. We’ve still been playing most evenings for at least a couple of hours for me. And I think a couple days a week for a few hours for Crystal. She’s almost mapped out the entire depths, which is freakin awesome.

Me, I haven’t done too much in the depths. It’s dark, and there’s Gloom everywhere. And with the gloom you can only travel certain ways to get to where you want to go. I don’t really like that, but I know eventually, I’m going to have to get over myself and get the heck underground.

Don’t even get me started on the skylands either. There’s so much I need to do still. But lately, I’ve been on a side adventure, and mini quest kick. They’re fun.

I did do one think of note. I managed to figure out the wind shrine over Rito Village. I couldn’t figure out how to start the turbines, but I quickly googled it, and soon as I read how to do it, I closed the tab.

After I had read that, the first part of the shrine was a cake walk. The boss wasn’t even too terribly difficult. I used the wrong type of weapon on them, when after the fact I read to use a totally different fused part. Oh well, all finished. I guess three Devine beasts/SAGES to go.

So yeah, I saved the village, and they’re totes happy, and like in Lurelin Village – I’m revered as a god. I get everything for free when I travel to Hyrule’s vacation resort. Except the Rito‘s are cheap bastards. Not even a discount or anything there. That’s ok. I’m sure they have a few side quests for me.

I also was on a mission from god – to put the band back together. I wouldn’t call the Stable Trotters the next Blues Brothers, as I think they only know one song – the stable theme. It’s cool though, they’re like a shitty garage band. When they come out with the next single, Link can totally go hipster on everyone.

Last night I quickly finished off another side quest, and got the final piece of Yiga armour. It looks pretty awesome, and I don’t have to worry about the random Yiga bastards wandering around all over the place.

Photo from Crystal – flying higher than an eagle ©️ 2023 Poptartapocolypse

First impressions: Tears of the Kingdom

So, I started TotK this morning. It’s massively huge. it took me about 4 or maybe 5 hours to get out of the hell that was the starting area. Don’t get me wrong, it was a really nice starting area, but a couple of things stuck out that were bothering me.

1. You wake up, and get the usually welcome back talk. You are provided with pants. Just pants. I was second guessing my exploring skills thinking that I missed the shirt. I was actually going to restart this morning, because I wanted to find the shirt.

2. I know BotW was spread out in the beginning, but there was a lot more … life out there. This “sky-island” (which shall henceforth be known as a “sky-land”) was pretty empty.

3. After you *think* you’re just about done, they pull a fast one, and then tell you that there’s just one more shrine – across the map. Thankfully they then show you how to warp back to where you started, and then make you search for the damn thing lol

Then finally you can leave the starting area. I think think that I’ve died so many times, just starting out.

Then as I’m plummeting to my sure death, my mind tells me, you missed a major item. You didn’t find the paraglider. So I’m freaking out as I’m falling to my death. I ended up aiming for a lake so, I can live. Which put me miles away from where the little yellow dot is telling me to go.

Contrary to what I just wrote, I am having fun, and I probably could’ve stayed in the starting area for a few more hours to try and find more things of interest.

I can’t wait to play more tomorrow. Crystal is playing right now, and I’m gonna try and help her as much as I can.

I need to start killing monsters and such. I just came from BotW with over 30k in rupees, and now I’m completely broke again!