Spring starts when a heartbeats pounding

It’s been a busy day here at Shady Acres, and a hot one. Up at my normal time, walked right into my mom, who was a little chatty, but thankfully was on her way back to bed. I made and drank most ofy coffee is beautiful peace and quiet. It was glorious.

While mom was sleeping, my dad called and said the internet guy w9uld be there in about 10 minutes, so I woke up my mom, and we let him in and let him do his work. While he was he I managed to get two phones, an iPad, and a laptop all up and running on the WiFi. Just gotta set up dad’s iPad when he gets home. Mom’s very happy to be able to use her laptop again.

It’s gotten hot here today. It’s currently 35c (or 95f), and we have some melty cats. I’m trying not to move too much. I think for the rest of the day, I’m just gonna read and drink ice water.

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