Put your toes down in the water and a smile across your face and tell me that you love me

Good morning everyone. It’s a gray start to the day here, but according to my weather app, it should be getting sunny – according to the weather app, it should be sunny right now. So we’ll see if it gets sunny shortly.

In some good news, I have little tiny peppers growing! That pretty cool, I think! In a couple of weeks, I’ll have peppers! Woohoo!

Coffee is brewing and I can’t wait for it. I think I slept all the way through without having to get up. That’s a first in a couple of weeks. I did wake up once rolling over, expecting my arm to hurt, but it didn’t really hurt when I raised it up. It’s just a little sore this morning.

Coffee is ready, so I’ll be getting some. Happy Saturday everyone. Have a great day.

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