Ooh you make my motor run, my motor run

Good morning party people! We made it! It’s finally Friyay! A big ol coffee cup salute to this glorious day. All that stands before me and the weekend is today, and the short shift tomorrow! It’s been a long ass week, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Slept okish. Up very briefly at 1, and maybe 3. And rolled over and saw that it was six, but it was so brief, I saw the time, and went right back to sleep. The bed temp was pretty close to 100% awesome.

I’m stiff and sore this morning. The last three days, all I’ve really done is move furniture. I’ll be moving more today. BossLady basically told a customer that they had agreed to buying something, and that we have it in writing. So she’ll be stopping by this morning to pay for and to pick up her merch. Sometimes it takes the boss to be calling these people. There’s only so much that we can do, as regular wage slaves.

Coffee. Coffee is good.

Ok, let’s get the day started!

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