Making love out by the lake to our favorite song

It’s another day here in TinyTown. It’s partially sunny and still a little breezy, but it looks like it will hopefully stay just the way it is today. I haven’t looked at the weather app yet, but I don’t think it rained last night. It was only supposed to thunderstorm for a couple of hours after work. But I think it only drizzled for a minute or two as I walked home.

We are, and played TotK for most of the evening. I’ve started to just explore and wander around. I opened up a couple of shrines yesterday. Perhaps I’ll pop into them and work to complete them today or tomorrow. It’s a fun game, but I’m still in the overwhelming part of the game. Crystal has almost mapped the entirety of the depths, while I think I’ve turned on the light switch down there. It’s paltry. I keep saying that I need to get down there, and explore. But it’s dark down there, and the enemies can steal your vitality.

I don’t have too much to talk about. Just been working and doing all that fun stuff. I took in a truck last night, and that was two different companies. Ol there’s not a lot of stuff. It’ll just be tedious pricing all the little doo-dads. And the big furniture will be staying in the boxes for now.

I need a refill, so that’s a sign that I’ve run out of stuff to talk about. Maybe something exciting will happen today – probably not. Happy Thursday everyone, let’s make it the best Thursday that we can!

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