Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet

It’s a bright and sunny morning here. Perfect for a Friyay! The birds are singing, and there’s only a slight breeze, which makes the morning nice and cool – all the humidity of yesterday is gone. According to the weather app, the gray skies and possible thunder storms are on the way for this afternoon.

I’m told we “need” the rain. But let the damn farmers fry the seed in the ground. Then you can rain! Until then give me some nice and warm temps and let summer come out.

Good morning all you cool cats and kittens. Are you ready for the weekend? I think I am. The week has gone pretty quickly, but day to day – at least to me, felt like forever.

Hopefully today will go quickly. Yesterday I left work so very tired for some reason. It wasn’t a bad day, I priced two pages of accessories. Then after they were priced, I spent the next couple of hours putting them up on the website. Mostly planters and dust catchers. Nothing that jumped out at me, that I needed.

So much junk! I just realized that this wasn’t even all of it. This picture needs more rugs!

But I’m ready for the weekend – grab a cup of coffee and prepare for Saturday! Let’s kick Friday in the nuts!

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