Good afternoon! Yep, I’ve been posting a little later in the day, because all this week, I have opening shifts – up at 4:30 and out of the store by 1:45. Today was no different. I think I like the morning shifts over the closing shifts, which are 1:15-9. That kinda sucks but what can you do? I’m at the mercy of the schedule. It’s all good though. I work with some pretty cool people. They’re all younger than me, but I’m of that age that most people that I’d be working with are younger.
It’s been warm here. Strangely warm. The streets are like huge puddles, and the snow is melting rapidly. It feels and smells like spring out there. We’re gonna get our asses kicked, because I’m predicting at least one more cold snap, and at least one more really good snowfall/blizzard. We usually get one end of March or into April. Winter is coming. Mark me. Mark. Me.
But other than that, things haven’t changed too much around here. Just working, and what feels like just sleeping. I came home today with a fresh loaf of Italian bread, and told Crystal that I had an idea for dinner: her, me, the loaf of bread, and butter. She asked what I wanted with it, and I simply said “um, the butter.” I don’t think she was too impressed.
Is three paragraphs enough for the day? Hmm I don’t know. There’s a lot of images to this post because the WordPress/Jetpack app is a piece of shit, and isn’t featuring my featured image at the top of the post in the app itself. So I find that I have to add an image to the post so it actually stands out a little.
But, I digress.
Have a safe and super sparkly day!