Kicking back on your couch, making eyes from across the room

Why do days off always go by so quickly? It seems like just two short days ago that I was starting my days off. Now, today’s the day to go back to work for a shift.

Then I have Friday off.

Back to work again Saturday morning. Lol.

We had a good day off yesterday. I sang to Crystal as soon as I woke up. She really appreciates these things, pretty much melted into my arms as I sung yesterday. But we got up and I got her present together, and slipped some baileys into her coffee mug. I got her an oversized hoodie. I think she loves it.

After I while I got up, and dressed. I jumped the Hot Mess, and got it started. I went up and to make a long story short, grabbed the mail, delivered it, borrowed the vacuum, and dropped off my mom’s truck. And took the Hot Mess for a bit of a drive.

For dinner, we made quarter pounder bacon cheese burger and tater tots. It was really good. I struggled to finish the burger. After, I did the dishes and we watched TV.

I think it was a great birthday for the Beautiful One. Back to reality today. The coffee is hot, and the kitty snuggles have begun.

Happy Thursday!!

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