The white dress the guests the cake the car the whole darn thing

Well hello, Tuesday. It’s sunny and chilly here this morning. I was up just a minute or two before my alarm went off this morning. I’m also a little stuffed up this morning. That must mean it’s spring.

The coffee is brewing. And I’m dressed, so that must mean it’s a day that end in y. yesterday was an ok day. I went to SlightlyBiggerTown for some shopping. I made adult budget decisions and didn’t get a few things because I couldn’t afford it. But I did get some yummy stuff for the next week.

I’m really stretching for something to write, which means it was a nice day. I shopped, came home, watched Brooklyn 99 and just tried to relax and just be. It was a nice day I think.

But now it’s time to go back to work. Long week this week, as I work Saturday. But we’ll deal with that when we get to it!

Coffee time!