Good morning everyone. It’s a bright and shiny day here in TinyTown. It looked like it rained most of the night. Now it’s just windy. I said it was bright and sunny, but it’s really mostly cloudy, and I think it’ll be like this most of the day.
Work yesterday, wasn’t too bad. Mostly just slow. I opened yesterday, now for the rest of the week, I’ll be the swing shift. So I’ll be working the 8-4 shift. It’s an ok shift, so it’s not too bad.
I won’t be heading home right after work. I have to head over to Shady Acres, to help my dad engineer something so he can go for walks to build up his strength again.
But right now, it’s coffee time. And Chaucer is staring at me, he requires my lap, but I gotta get up and get dressed. Let’s get the day started.