The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had

Good morning everyone! We survived the holiday weekend! Who’s ready to go back to the real world. On one hand, I am. On the other, I really enjoyed this weekend. And would love just one more day. But it’s a short week, so I only have to survive 4 shifts, then I can kick back and enjoy the weekend that’s slowly coming.

Yesterday was nice and relaxing. I didn’t do a whole lot of anything. I didn’t think of work or anything work related. I just watched Critical Role all day. It’s amazing how attached you can get to these characters and the voice actors playing them.

I got up a couple of times in the night. Once because I really had to pee. Simple. Up, get to the bathroom, do my business, and boom back in the room, asleep. At 6, I rolled over and was wide awake. My knee decided it didn’t want to bend. So I fought to get out of bed, limped to the bathroom and then went back to bed for another hour.

Were expecting snow again today. Winter is really fighting to stay relevant. It’s quite sad at this point. JUST LET SPRING HAPPEN.

But right now, local news, and coffee. I know it’s Tuesday, but Tuesdays always feel like Monday’s. Happy Tuesday everyone!