It’s a given LA law, someone’s faster on the draw

I’m still trying to focus my eyes. I was dead asleep, then just awake. So the old eyes are having some trouble focussing. The kitties have been fed, and the back door is open for them to survey their king and queendoms.

I was out at a drop of a hat last night. At one point in the night, I felt a kitty climb up and snuggle behind my knees. Then my mind said to itself, don’t don’t don’t move, the cat will get up and never snuggle you again. So please, don’t move. Then I fell back to sleep.

But we’re up, and the sun is mostly shining. The basic plan today, is to do my chores quickly, I did the laundry yesterday, have brunch, and then head out to a farmers market for the rest of the morning. Should be a fun morning. Well just have to be a part of the crowd lol. Maybe we’ll see something that catches our eye.

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