If you want to destroy my sweater (whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa)

Good morning everyone. It’s a dark Wednesday morning here. Dark, but it’s not too cold out. I’m sure more melting will happen today. We’re currently in a warm spell. By this time next week, it’ll be below freezing again.

I slept ok last night. I think I only woke up once or twice. I know at one point I woke up and looked at the clock around 5, then I was out again until around 6:45ish. It wasn’t a bad sleep, just waking up in the night sucks.

The kittens have been fed, and Chaucer is waiting patiently to get on the couch. He’s currently loafed on the pirate chest. I also think he’s looking to where Pippin is. She’s just wandering around doing Pippin things.

I made a really good pot of coffee this morning. I mean, really good. It’s hot, and yummy. Only a couple of more days I til the weekend, and I cannot wait!

Let’s go weekend!

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