I got to say, this sounds a little beyond anything I’m used to

Good morning my friends. It’s Sunday, and it’s dark out. I had a kitten sleeping on my hip this morning. She even stayed when I rolled on to my back, but just for a couple of more minutes. Then she jumped off.

Yesterday was a good day. We got up, and enjoyed some coffee. Then we headed out to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. And just to get out of the house. We got everything we needed, but we forgot the cat food. We should have enough to make it to Wednesday. I hope. Part of me is seriously thinking to quickly pop back to SlightlyBiggerTown tomorrow and grab some.

We’ll see how the levels are tomorrow.

But, today is chore day, and for the first time in a long time, it’s hair dying day! Well, technically, it’s hair bleaching day – but it’s almost the samething.

But before all the fun, we’re waking up. Well, I am waking up. Crystal has been up for a couple of hours already. From what she said the kitties were playing and snuggling, then playing the chasy chasy game, then back to snuggling a little.

I didn’t feel, or hear a thing.

Happy Sunday y’all!

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