Hit top speed, but I’m still moving much too slow

Almost. To. The. Weekend. We’re so close my friends. It’s Friyay, and I’m working all by myself today! It’ll be a nice day. I only have a couple of things that need to be taken care of today.

The coffee is ready, and I’m sipping on it right now. It snowed around 2, maybe 3 inches last night. Really just a dusting in the grand scheme of things. I shovelled the little deck outside. I’ll do the rest of the shovelling either at lunch or after work.

It’s been a long week at work. Two design nights in a row. They both went off very well. There’s one more that may or may not happen. Depends on BossLady and her mood. So you can’t rule out Wednesday for another one.

But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Happy Friyay!

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