Hey you always on the run, gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun

Holy shit, a post at the normal time? What the heck is going on? Welp it’s the family BBQ over at the old folks home, so I requested a closing shift today so I could attend. That’ll be in a couple of hours.

Coffee has been brewed and is currently being consumed. The back door is open, and the kitties are surveying their domains. Chaucer has been given his breakfast, and second breakfast. Pippin is totally enjoying the sun from her little table.

It’s so nice that the sun is shining this morning. I don’t think it’s supposed to last. I think the clouds are supposed to come in later. But right now, it’s bright and sunny.

So I’m gonna go. I don’t have a lot to pass on to y’all, as I only posted just a few hours ago. So, have a great Friyay, and an even better weekend!

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