G’s up, hoes down, while you motherfuckers bounce to this

Good morning party people! It’s shortly after 7am, and the sun is slowly rising. There was playing in the night. Specifically around 5ish this morning. The playing woke both of us up. We both thought that both kittens were playing.

We were wrong.

It was a lone kitty playing – Chaucer.

Yes you read that right. The old man was having the time of his life, playing with a little blue fish with not a care in the world. I got up to go to the bathroom, and Pippin was really trying to sleep in there while Chaucer was playing like the end of the world was at stake.

Now, he’s really trying to get into a lap, so he can go to sleep. We’re both denying him lap space. I have my feet up, and Crystal has her Chromebook. He’s totally not impressed with this.

We’ve started to play co-op Cat Quest 2. I’m really enjoying playing. It keeps my attention, and that says a lot. I like the game because there’s no competition between the two players – there’s a shared inventory, and shared gold. It really allows the players to just play the game – and kick some bad cat, and bad dog ass.

Ok, I really need coffee. Happy hump day!

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