Google maps is the best (true dat) Double true!

It’s been a lazy day here at Shady Acres. Well, it really hasn’t. But it feels like it. I haven’t cleaned or organized anything today, haha. But I have done things! Really I have!

  • I applied for my health card.
  • I donated books to the library.
  • I dropped stuff off at the second hand store. (forgetting things at home)
  • I made a second trip to the second hand store.
  • I have a bit of a plan to move the bookcase of DVDs downstairs.
  • I’ve watched too many hours of ‘Roadkill’ on Discovery Velocity.

So now I’ve been mentally planning on where I’m going to move the DVDs to down there. The wall I want to use needs to be cleaned up a little. I’ll do that sometime next week.

Saturday, we’ll be heading into AnotherSlightlyBiggerTown to get wood pellets for my parents pellet stove. I think they’re getting 3 pallets. I don’t know how many are on the pallet, but I’ll be moving most of them, because my dad is farming and is really busy with harvest right meow. It’ll be arm and leg day as I take the bags downstairs, one 50lb bag at a time! Woot! I’ll be useful!

Featured image: Found On Road Dead

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