Everybody’s working for the weekend

Home. It’s been a long long long week. Course I say it every week, but this week, I mean it. 4:30 comes wicked early every day.

We were slightly over staffed for the day. 3 people all morning. Thankfully the grocery order was small. We got it done completely in about 15-20 minutes. Then I went for a little shopping trip. The restaurant is still closed, so last night I asked Crystal if she would like Pierogi for dinner, as they’re on sale this week. She said yes, so I grabbed a couple packs of cheap ass bacon as well. Also grabbed some gas.


I didn’t tell Crystal that I’d be coming home early, so she’s in the middle of her Just Dance playlist. So I’m watching her gyrate and move around the living room. There’s a lot of perfects popping up. She’s really good.

I’m dead tired. I don’t know why. I’m sleeping through the night mostly. The night before last I slept all the way through, and last night I was only up once about 3 or so. So I’m getting sleep. Why isn’t it more restful?

Off to SlightlyBiggerTown tomorrow for groceries, and weed. Then absolutely nothing for the rest of the weekend. Other than chores, and Shady Acres on Sunday.

Monday comes early. 4:30 comes early.

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