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We’ll, hello there. It’s a gray and rainy Tuesday morning. I’m a little groggy, but I had a much better sleep last night. I think I got up around six, but when I got back to bed, I fell right back to sleep until the alarm went off.

I’m still hella stuffed up, but hopefully it’s just severe allergies.

Yesterday was what I thought it was going to be. A whole lot of nothing. It was great. Crystal picked up the controller first, and played a couple of hours of Witcher 3. It’s fun to watcher her play. It’s like watching a movie.

I made brunch yesterday. I think it was good. Honestly, I couldn’t really taste too much. But it went off without a hitch. When the dishes were done, Crystal passed the controller to me.

I fired up TotK, and proceeded to really do nothing. I did manage to finish some of the smaller quests and landed on a dragon again, the fire dragon. So I picked up what I could from it. Then I explored the castle for a half hour, then shut it off. I felt like I didn’t accomplish anything.

We watched tv until it was time for bed, once in bed I passed right out. As soon as I climbed in, I was sinking in to it. I was out.

And now, here we are. Cat on my lap, a coffee next to me, and the great one sitting next to me. Let’s get this day started.

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