A black cherry paradise, half the sugar, twice the spice

I swear every time we get a grocery delivery, there’s a freakin party line in town, and someone calls it, and says the van is there get EVERYONE and everyone they know to get gas.

Perfect. BossLady is checking in the order, TisimBoy is staying as far away from the register as freakin possible, and NewGirl is running the register. I’m getting all the outdoor stuff, and then when I finally get inside, NewGirl – who only seems to know my name, is calling me to do the lottery, because she’s not allowed to do it until after she takes her course.

Good fuckin times if you ask me.

And, we’re expecting snow. The amounts have changed over the last 2 days, so currently it’s sitting at 9.75”. But it’s been as high as 13”. I’ll believe it when I see it. But of course there’s bad weather coming, so the old people have to top off the gas. (“Fill it up – storms coming.” But then it clicks off at $18) that just boggles my mind!) which is hilarious because if a foot of snow falls, sure as shit, they’re not going out in it. They might, because this town has to do everything at the last possible minute. They don’t think a head. Like the local school is doing a ski trip today, so what does everyone do? Come right before they leave to get gas. Shit, I’d have hotten the gas the day before.

But I digress.

I’m tired. I slept ok yesterday, but I don’t think it was too much of a restful sleep. I closed my eyes, and BOOM! the alarm is going off. Least tomorrow, I can sleep in for a couple of hours. I need it. I’m in a wicked salty mood, and I don’t want to take it out on Crystal.

Date night tonight. Yay. The regular place is still closed. Only open 10-2 each day. So we’ll go to the other restaurant. I don’t know if we’ll go back to the other one. Yes the fall back place isn’t as good, but at least they’re consistent with their hours, and didn’t suddenly close 3 weeks ago.

I think I’m done bitching for a while. Besides, what’s a blog or zine good for if you’re not bitching on it?

Consider this the hint of the century

Another day, another post. Hello all. It’s bright and sunny, but the wind. The wind just cuts right through you. I had a pretty good sleep last night, I was up just a minute or two before the alarm went off. So I got up and started the day.

With the days started I drove to work. I don’t mind the morning shift. I’m pretty much used to getting up at 4:30. I really like getting out early. But come on – 4:30 am?! That’s just cruel and unusual, if you ask me.

There’s been dram at work lately. WishJensenAckles has been messing some stuff up, and all that. So BossLady brought him into the office a couple of days ago. It did not go well. So higher up got involved yesterday. I don’t know how much longer he’s going to be around. All I know is that again, I’ll be pushed into things that I don’t really want. But it is what it is.

Doesn’t matter, I’m home now. I have no clue what we’re going to have for dinner. I wouldn’t say no to just a plate of meat or something like that. We’ll figure it out. I’m just simply tired.

I don’t think I have too much else to say, so I’ll just slowly disappear into the shrubs.

Back tomorrow. Have a great Thursday!

Panoramic view, that’s my point of view, bae

Sup, bitches? Home again from work. It’s was a quiet day until about an hour and a half when the groceries arrived. So from then on, I was nice and busy. The day goes pretty quickly when you’re busy. Before it got busy, we pretty much just cleaned, organized, and took care of the customers that came in.

Opening procedures are getting easier. The hardest part of it, is my math skills. Apparently, I can’t even work a calculator properly some times! In my defence, I did have to re-roll two rolls of coin that fell apart as soon as I touched them. But after a quick recount, I was golden. 100% on the money, so to speak.

Story of my life, at work.

Other than that, nothing too much is going on. Oh! We popped over to the local second hand store, and Crystal found a suitable replacement for the teapot that I broke months ago. A nice vintage Corelle teapot. And it was a steal at $2 or $3 dollars. And it works as intended – we made our nightly hot cocoa in it.

BREAKING NEWS: Crystal just became the leader of the mage school in Winterhold. She’s the Archmage. And she’s all powerful, and fair to the citizens around her.

Stick like toffee, sip like coffee

Well well, well. Good afternoon, bitches. It’s m, oh hod, it’s only Tuesday. But, at least it’s not Monday. I’m home from work, and from Shady Acres. I had to clean the pellet stove, and move yet another freakin table up from downstairs.


Anyways, this morning, I watched our milk truck get pulled over from the highway patrol. It was a routine stop. After the truck driver told the cop that it was his last day, and he was retiring – the cop let him go.

Other than that, the day went a lot quicker today. It was busier which is nice. Busier makes the day go quicker. Of course it was busier, it’s the first day of the cold snap. Because, of course.

Crystal had texted this morning say that she took the wings out for dinner. Wooho! Wings for dinner!