Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine. Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time

Good sunny morning all you Sunday party people. The Flat is awake. Everyone knows where Pippin is – on the table at the back door. She’ll be in the same place for the next couple of months. I think Chaucer is sitting with her. He’s enjoying the bright and warms sun.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. At 10ish, my mom pulled up, and we were off to SlightlyBiggerTown for much needed supplies. We hit a couple of stores, and then we found ourselves in the grocery store. It was a little busier than normal. But we got in and out pretty quickly.

From there it was just a quick stop at the “pharmacy”. I grabbed the carts, and Crystal grabbed the flower. We looked around a little, and I jokingly asked if there was any 420 freebies. We got a patch, and a small rolling tray. Win-win if you ask me.

With one quick stop to go, we popped over to Subway, and I quickly hopped out and grabbed some lunch for us. They remodelled the restaurant, and then also added like 5 or 6 new sandwiches to the menu. I tried the new Nashville Hot sub, and I ordered Crystal her usual. I should’ve stuck with my usual. The Nashville Hot was too bad, but I don’t think that I’d order it again.

With that, we were on our way back to TinyTown. I helped unload the groceries, and Crystal suggested that I ride back with mom to help her unload her groceries. I managed to get almost all the groceries in at once. With the second trip finished, I walked back to the Flat.

After lunch, in an attempt to not fall asleep, I picked up the controller and turned on FireLight, Fleshlight, I can’t remember the name of the game, but it’s a very fun game. I’m trailing behind Crystal, but that’s ok. We’re both playing totally different characters – hers, an engineer, and me um, gangster? I dunno. I have two guns, and I’m really good at crowd control. However, Crystal has me beat hands down at DPS.

I’m having a blast. I have a companion Llama named Pancakes.

Not much on deck for today. I might open a window! We’ll see. I have some chores and stuff to do this morning, plus brunch! Woot brunch!

Happy Sunday if you made it this far!

To kiss in cars and downtown bars

Good morning from a bright and sunny TinyTown. Pippin begged for the table. Begged. So the table is set up at the back door. Even Chaucer climbed up there to enjoy the sunrise. It’s chilly out, but with the sun streaming in, it shouldn’t make the house cooler. And they’re happy, and not running around all crazy like.

I slept like the dead. And I got to sleep in. Oh lawd, it felt great to sleep past 4:30. We’re all awake now. The coffee has been brewed, and is currently being consumed. In a couple of hours, we’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies, and food, and all that happy horseshit. Mom had texted a couple of days ago asking if we wanted to go with her. Sure, why not. So in a couple of hours we’ll be off. Mom needs to get out of the house for a little while, and so do we.

It’s win-win, if you ask me.

Other than that, it’s gonna be a low key weekend. Chores, of course. But that’ll be tomorrow. My dad has started taking new meds, and if we’re feeling sick with the flu, cold, whatever – we’re to stay away, because these pills are going to lower his immune system, I think. We’re both pretty good here, so we might go tomorrow. It really depends on my parents. We’re not sick here, just allergies.

And we don’t know just where our bones will rest

“Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true, Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil, Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet”

Good afternoon people. I assume that you’re waiting with bated breath for my post. As you should be. I assure you this will be the greatest post that you’ll read all day.

Trust me.

4:30 came wicked early this morning. I know I was up sometime in the night, but I didn’t roll over to see the time. Needless to say, the alarm scared me this morning, and I was groggy as all get out when I rolled over. I didn’t even know what time it was when I woke up.

Coffee brewed, clothes put on.

Then I was off to work. Driving in the freshly fallen snow. Yes, it fucking snowed last night. Enough to put down in the morning note to Crystal to not look out the windows this morning. I’d say it’s probably 70% melted now. But still, it’s April.

Work was well, work. We got some cleaning and stocking done before the delivery came in. We took care of customers, and just did our thing. I was happy when it was time to leave.

I now have Chaucer, not laying on me, but sitting on my lap, waiting patiently for another goldfish cracker from Crystal. I don’t think he’s gonna get another one. But he’s hoping.

I think I’m gonna nap for a little bit.

Happy Friyay!

Cause I saddle up my horse, and I ride into the city

Is it Friday yet?

If not, why the hell did it snow last night?

Why did it snow, when Crystal proclaimed that it was now spring?

One of our customers put it perfectly. We wouldn’t have this problem, if Mother Nature was a man. Women just can’t seem to make up their minds.


It was a better day at work today. A little busier, but we’re not doing 4 side jobs at the same time. But since it snow, and is cold and windy today, all we had to endure was the normal conversations starters such as:

“Whoo boy it’s windy out there.”


Who ordered the snow?”

Blah blah blah.

I woke up this morning thinking that it was Friyay today. Sadly, it’s not. And that’s stupid.

I really want to nap. I didn’t sleep all that great last night, and I woke up around 3ish, but managed to fall back asleep again. But that alarm sure hit hard when it went off.

I have no idea what to have for dinner tonight. Probably some left over pizza. Yeah, that sounds like a plan.