Hey you always on the run, gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun

Holy shit, a post at the normal time? What the heck is going on? Welp it’s the family BBQ over at the old folks home, so I requested a closing shift today so I could attend. That’ll be in a couple of hours.

Coffee has been brewed and is currently being consumed. The back door is open, and the kitties are surveying their domains. Chaucer has been given his breakfast, and second breakfast. Pippin is totally enjoying the sun from her little table.

It’s so nice that the sun is shining this morning. I don’t think it’s supposed to last. I think the clouds are supposed to come in later. But right now, it’s bright and sunny.

So I’m gonna go. I don’t have a lot to pass on to y’all, as I only posted just a few hours ago. So, have a great Friyay, and an even better weekend!

My memory is muddy, what’s this river that I’m in?

Good afternoon, here I am. I didn’t forget to post, I napped, and then we watched some saved YouTube shorts. That’s right, I do what I want. Because, it’s the 4th of July.

It’s a motherfucking freedom holiday.

Here, it’s Thursday.

Work is wicked slow. We have someone training, so it’s difficult, when you have to walk a fine line of doing your job, yet letting the NewGuy learn how to do it.

I get to sleep in tomorrow. We have a family lunch at the nursing home with my gramma tomorrow, then it’s off to work. That should be fun. I’ll get a hot dog, and possibly a hamburger, and some sides. And I get to hang out for a little bit with my gramma. I’ll have to choose a good shirt for tomorrow.

Burgers for dinner tonight. Fuck yeah.

I ain’t an angel, you ain’t heaven-sent

Yo yo. I’m here, and you better be ready for me. So what should we talk about today? Hmmm. Great question. I have no freakin idea. I was up wicked early, and now I’m home from work. I’m tired, but not tired enough to take a nap. Besides, it’s too late now.

Work was a little busier today. But not by much. We had a new employee training today, so was on the register a little more, then as he was training, I was outside a little bit. when it was time to leave, I made my purchase, and then skedaddled as quickly as I could.

It started out gray, then the sun came out to play for a little bit. And now we’re under yet another thunderstorm watch. It truly feels like spring outside. Hopefully, it becomes summer time soon.

Tonight, we’re having hot dogs for dinner. I remembered that we really need to use the hot dog buns before they get stale/moldy. So that’s exciting, huh?

Perhaps too exciting.

Peace out, bitches!

Don’t act like you ain’t help me pull that bottle off the shelf

When I went down for my nap. It wasn’t as bright as this. It was gray, with just the hints of the sun coming out. The only thing that’s been consistent, is the wind.

It’s always the wind.

After a weekend of being able to sleep in, when the alarm went off this morning, a zombie climbed out of bed. A zombie turned on the coffee pot, and got dressed. When I made the coffee at work, I put out a pot of regular roast, and a pot of regular roast labeled as dark roast.


Work was wicked slow. I knew it was gonna be a little slow, but I didn’t think it would be that slow. We went just over an hour without one single customer. Wow! So when second shift came in, I walked. I needed a nap.

That’s what we call a full circle moment.

I’ll see myself out. Happy Monday Tuesday and all that other happy horseshit.