Two steppin’ on the table, she don’t need a dancefloor

Hey hey it’s ya boy. Fresh from a nap. I just crashed for an hour. It needed it. It was somewhat busy. Just busy enough to keep the time moving, but not really busy enough to sit down and relax. It was the end of the opening shifts, and tomorrow begins the three days of closing shifts.

Crystal is in the bathroom sectioning her hair to install her newest dreads that she finished making. It should take her about 4-4.5 hours I believe to install them. This time tomorrow, they’ll all be done.

Nothing much on deck for tonight, other than Crystal working on her hair, tacos for dinner, then just relaxing. It’s been humid here.

Someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey

Hey hey everyone. It is I, the shank of Shaw. I swear I’m here. I just woke up from a nap. A nap that I thought I was mostly awake. I guess I slept, and it was a deep sleep. I woke up thinking what year is it?

Work was slow. I’m thinking a lot of people are on vacation, because we’re not getting a lot of people through the doors in the morning. I’ve also heard harvest a couple of times, so it’s starting. The fall is almost officially here.

Fall is coming, but it totally doesn’t feel like it. It’s around 85°, and slightly sticky out there. I have the fan army working, to hopefully keep it somewhat cool in here. Dinner tonight will either be tacos or hotdogs, depending on whether or not Crystal wants to stand at the stove, or just letting me boil some tubesteaks.

Stay tuned.

And the girls on the bus kept laughing at us

I got to sleep in a little bit today! I got up sometime in the night, because my mask was missing. I quietly checked the floor, around the pillow and into the bed. I didn’t want to disturb Crystal, so I moved slowly, quietly, gently. But I couldn’t find the mask. So I put the old one on and went back to sleep. We found it in the morning. I didn’t see where Crystal pulled it from. Weirdness.

Since I did the laundry yesterday, I only have the cleaning chores to do today. So I’ll be working in that in a little while. It rained in the night, so I don’t know if I’ll be mowing my parents yard today. So that’s up in the air this morning. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

So yeah, it’s a gray day out there. It’s definitely quickly turning to autumn here. That’s sad, because, winter is coming. I don’t wanna wake up to a foot of snow on the ground, but that’s definitely what is happening. It’s dark when I wake up for the opening shifts, and dark when I get home from the closing shift.

Ok, I need to refill my coffee. And, I have to prepare for brunch later on this morning. Hap hap happy Sunday y’all, back to work in the morning!

Yeah, we got free tickets to the Bran Van concert happening this Monday night at the Pacific Coliseum

Again, I was up before the alarm went off. I laid in bed, but ultimately getting up before the alarm went off. At least tomorrow, I can sleep in. Until 7:13. That always happens when I can sleep in.

Worked the opening shift today. It’s pretty easy when you don’t get any customers for really the first hour, hour and a half. BossLady came in unannounced to buy some drinks as her and her boyfriend head to CapitalCity for the day. Usually when she comes in, she finds both employees in the break room scrolling on their phones. Not today. We were both on the sales floor busy putting out product.

Test: aced.

I brought a frozen pizza and snack for tonight. Tonight, we’ll be pirating a movie, so you gotta have snacks. We’ll be the two fat asses watching Twisters tonight.

But right now – chips, and laundry. I hate being an adult.