Watch the lightnin’ when it lights up the skies

Well, the weather finally caught up with us. It’s raining/drizzling out there. It looks like the sky has been leaking for a while now. The plants and grass will like the rain. I have a Chaucer on my lap, already. Pippin is looking out the door watching the rain drops fall.

The coffee has been brewed, and let me tell you that I can truly make a damn fine cup of coffee. It is pretty good. Not too bad for insert name of coffee that’s on sale, and tap water.

It’s Monday today, and that means it’s brunch day! The bacon has been defrosted, and in a couple of hours, I’ll be starting to cook. I always look forward to brunch day. I’ll be having the usual – bacon, eggs, and hash browns. Crystal will be having waffles, and some bacon. Maybe she’ll put peanut butter on the waffles today.

Other than that, I’d say that today is a day of sloth. I don’t think that I have to leave for anything, so it’s gonna be a nice day of pretty much doing nothing. So let’s get the day started!

Can I get my coffee refilled first?

Daring duck of mystery, Champion of right

Awake! The alarm went off, and I unstuck my face from the pillow. I was a drooler last night. Crystal was a little warm but I think I was fine. Maybe a little warm, but not enough to really do anything to my sleep. Pippin was snuggled at my feet this morning.

All the curtains are open, it looks like it rained a little bit last night, but currently it’s sunny and just a slight breeze. According to the weather app, there’s a 30% chance that it might thunderstorm around 12 or 1. We’ll see. The last week or so, it’s been told that it was going to rain, however it mostly drizzled and then fizzled out. It’s gone back and forth between sunny and then gray. Hopefully the sun will come out and stay.

We did a whole bunch of nothing apart from running to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. We grabbed what we needed/wanted, and only forgot about a couple of things. After groceries, we stopped at Subway to grab lunch. We got everything put away, and lunch consumed – we turned on TotK. We took turns playing, and having fun. Crystal helped me through a quest in the Depths, and when it was Crystal’s turn, I gave amazing advice that caused her feather not once, but twice.

So I tried to not help after that!

Not too much on deck for today. It’s Sunday, so that means that it’s chore day, and dinner at Shady Acres. It’s a nice day where not a lot happens but things still get accomplished. I’ll start everything after another cup of coffee.

Sounds like fun? Maybe not a lot of fun, but shit needs to get done, and not all hero’s wear capes, so let’s just git er dun, amirite?

Yeah, let’s get it done, but before that – let’s have some more coffee. There’s prep work to do. I don’t want to start the prep work right now. Maybe in a little bit. But right now, it’s couch time with my beautiful genie pants wearing girl.

Happy Sunday! Praise Jeebus!

Life is like a hurricane here in Duck – burg

Good morning. It’s drab and gray out there. Crystal says we’re still in the lineup for thunderstorms. It’s also pretty froggy out there. And humid. It just feels sticky out there.

I slept like the dead last night. I don’t even think that I moved at all last night. I did wake up and notice that Pippin was snuggled up by my feet. I think Chaucer had been wandering around just before the alarm went off, but when I woke up he was already on the floor meowing for his breakfast. Which he threw up minutes later.

Work was ok yesterday. It was pretty quiet, but I managed to check a few things off of the ol to do list. And I got a couple of things done for NewNewGirl that she tried getting done the day before but just couldn’t. But it was a pretty good day. I brought some cardboard home for Crystal to transfer her pants on to something a little more sturdy to use.

Later on this morning, we’ll be heading into SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries. After a while I’ll get up and make a shopping list for all the yummy stuff that we need. I wonder what we’ll have for dinner? I’m sure that we’ll find some pretty awesome foodstuffs.

But right now, I need more coffee. Happy Saturday! Let’s have an awesome one!

Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet

It’s a bright and sunny morning here. Perfect for a Friyay! The birds are singing, and there’s only a slight breeze, which makes the morning nice and cool – all the humidity of yesterday is gone. According to the weather app, the gray skies and possible thunder storms are on the way for this afternoon.

I’m told we “need” the rain. But let the damn farmers fry the seed in the ground. Then you can rain! Until then give me some nice and warm temps and let summer come out.

Good morning all you cool cats and kittens. Are you ready for the weekend? I think I am. The week has gone pretty quickly, but day to day – at least to me, felt like forever.

Hopefully today will go quickly. Yesterday I left work so very tired for some reason. It wasn’t a bad day, I priced two pages of accessories. Then after they were priced, I spent the next couple of hours putting them up on the website. Mostly planters and dust catchers. Nothing that jumped out at me, that I needed.

So much junk! I just realized that this wasn’t even all of it. This picture needs more rugs!

But I’m ready for the weekend – grab a cup of coffee and prepare for Saturday! Let’s kick Friday in the nuts!