<insert song lyrics here>

Awake. And I’m not liking it. I woke up at some point m, I think around 6 or so. My mind went good morning my friend, it’s Tuesday. You have to go back to work today. Also, BossLady will be there, and she hasn’t been there for a week. Have fun with that information this morning.

Anxious. For some reason this am. Very anxious. I don’t know why. Just really on edge this morning. And it was way to warm in the bedroom to snuggle.

The power went off sometime in the night. My alarm clock, when the power goes out, saves the time but not the radio station. I’ll have to fix that before I go to sleep tonight.

It’s kind of a dim morning. Warm and you can feel the humidity out there. It’s gonna be a sticky one today, I think. Yeah, very sticky. I just looked that the temp.

Crystal got up long before I did, so she got the coffee all set. She’s pretty awesome. I love her a lot. I don’t know what I’d do without her. For one thing, I would’ve had to turn the coffee on this morning.

Repeat after me – it’s gonna be a good day. It’s gonna be a good day.

You got dunkin’ donuts we got Timmy’s

Good morning, happy Saturday, Sunday, Monday. Yes, I think that it’s Monday. The weekend has been all messed up, time wise. It’s very confusing but I did wake up this morning thinking that it was Tuesday and I had to go back to work. I internally freaked out, because I don’t have clean clothes yet.

Yup, it’s chore day. I didn’t want to do it yesterday, so we wouldn’t be rushed to leave for the rodeo. Thankfully, I didn’t, as my mom was at our door at 11:30 or 11:45. So we shut off the TV, and hoped in her truck. I drove us to the rodeo grounds. I found a program, and found out that we were about an hour early for the rodeo. I read online that it was starting at 1. At 1:15 we watched a truck plane doing stunts.

The highlight was the children’s sheep riding. Some held on for so long that they used up all their time while the sheep (which was supposed to run all over the place), just kinda stood there, probably very confused. But it was good for a laugh. And I’m sure the kids had a blast.

We took off before the end. We missed the bill riding. But our asses we’re getting sore, and all of us were sunburnt in some way. So we skipped the traffic and took off.

After we were dropped off. We started to cook dinner – chicken nugget poutine. It was very good. With full tummies, we struggled to stay awake. We mostly made it til 10:15. That’s when we called it a day, and climbed into bed.

What a day. It was a good day.

They’d rather give you a song than diamonds or gold Lonestar belt buckles and old faded levis

Good Sunday morning everyone. According to the province, and their alert app, where under a heat warning for today. It’s going to be a steamy one out there today. And of course this is the day that we’re planning on being outside for a few hours this afternoon. That’s right, we’re going to do something. Just the next TinyTown over. It’s that time of year again –

We’re going to a rodeo! 🤠


So that means, the chores will be taken care of tomorrow, that way we’re not behind the eight ball when we’re planning on getting ready to leave. We invited my parents, but my dad will be working on his work truck – his daily driver. It died last week, and the parts came in. So that’s what he’ll be doing. So we’re taking my mom. It’s good for her to get out and do other things.

I went to work yesterday. Since the rodeo is a three day event, which started Friday. I figured we’d either have people in the store to “kill time”, or there would be no one in. The second thing happened. Not even a phone call. I don’t even remember hearing cars driving up and down the road in front of the store. The town was like a ghost town.

So after work, we travelled to SlightBiggerTown to grab groceries, etc. I remembered to actually make a shopping list which we actually almost followed. Both of us added some random items, but we didn’t go crazy or anything. After that we hit the dispo, and subway for some dinner as it was already 3:30ish.

So here we are; bright eyed, and bushy tailed. It’s already warm, and it’s only going to get warmer. Chaucer wants to get up on my lap, but I’m saying no, sir. Not right now. So he just climbed up on the back of the couch. Lazy Sunday, indeed 🙂

Brother Pele’s in the back, sweet Zina’s in the front cruisin’ down the freeway in the hot, hot sun

Good groggy morning my friends. I believe that it’s Saturday out in the real world. It’s bright and sunny out there, and we’re expecting it to be a warm day today. All that stands between me, and the weekend is a short shift at work.

I slept like the dead last night. I think that I got up around 3 to go to the bathroom. I think when I was finished that, I wandered into the kitchen. Once I got there, I had no idea why I went to the kitchen. So I shuffled back, and climbed into the bed, and crashed again.

The alarm didn’t frighten me like it usually does. It was on, and I slowly opened my eyes. This’ll be my first Saturday shift in a few weeks. I’ve been pretty lucky, and I have worked a lot of weekend shifts. But today starts the next three Saturdays that I’ll be working.

Yesterday was wicked dead at work, but I had a couple of customers come in, so naturally that got the family pass for the rodeo that started yesterday. They were very happy about getting it. That made my day.

Crystal spun fire again last night. It’s so cool to see her doing that. She wanted to spin twice, but I unknowingly screwed up the second burn. It’s hard to tell if there kerosine in the pot. The first poi sucked it all up, so there was nothing left for the second on.

The first burn, was freakin awesome though!

Ok time to mainline some coffee and wake up. Happy Saturday!