Giving ’em eargasms with my mellow accent

Chaucer is standing on me. He’s really trying to find a comfy spot. And, he’s snuggled in. Good morning, my friends. It’s Sunday morning, and it’s bright and sunny out there in the real world. Inside, it’s not too bad. The bed, at least for me, was just the bees knees. I think I might have gotten up sometime in the night, but I’m not too sure if I did.

I slept through the night, and I’m sure that Crystal has been up for at least an hour. I wish we knew what to do so she’d sleep in. We tried going to bed about 40 minutes later than normal, but again, like last time we tried that, didn’t work. When I woke up, both kittens were on the bed. Chaucer, already moving around, because the humans are awake, that means food is coming in minutes. Pippin, on the other hand, still snuggled in.

When I got home from work, Crystal was live streaming her playing Skyrim. Not a big crowd in there. I joked that it’s because she was playing an older game that most people aren’t interested in anymore. I said I could get more people if I played TotK. Long story short, I think at the most I had 4 or 5 people in there. No one other than Crystal and myself saw me finally stand up to the Gloom Hands, and gloomy Ganon.

No one other than Crystal and myself saw me do a round two with the Gloom Hands, and gloomy Ganon. I saved the great Deku Tree, and saved all the Koroks. After the fact, the Gloom Hands are really easy to defeat. I think it just took 5 or 6 bomb flowers, and poof, they’re gone. Don’t even get me started on gloomy Ganon. She was actually pretty easy, as long as you have either the Master sword, or some weapon with a high damage output.

That in a nutshell, was the day. We had an amazing dinner of chicken chunks, and scalloped potatoes. We also made some slow roasted chicken breasts for shredded chicken. I had a couple of pieces, and lemme tell you, Crystal sure knows how to roast some breasts. They were spiced perfectly. They were shredded, and put in the freezer.

Chore day coming up in an hour or so. Or whenever my caveman brain says it’s time to start. So yeah, typical Sunday morning. Although, I woke up thinking that it was Monday. I was excited for bacon, but alas, earwax, it’s Sunday. But I’m happier that it’s Sunday. If it was Monday, I’d be going to work tomorrow. And no one wants that.

Viva la coffee!

‘Cause we’re living in a material world and I am a material girl

Here I am. I’m right here. I mostly had a good sleep last night. I was up a little early, as I really needed to use the bathroom. I slid out of bed, did my thing, grabbed a couple mouthfuls of water, and tried to slide back into the bed without bothering Crystal. I thought that I had succeeded in my infiltration back into the bed, but as I learned – Crystal was already awake.

I’m not as stealthy as I think I am.

It’s a bright and shiny day here. A little cool, but if the weather stays like this, it should be a nice day here in the prairies. Should be a high of about 68, and if the forecast stays, tomorrow should be a very nice day – sunny and a high of 78. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday was slow. BossLady was travelling yesterday, so I was tracking her luggage, and doing some tasks for her so things were set up when she landed. Well, her luggage was going to be delayed, and the other task of getting a massage appointment fell through, but she managed to get an appointment.

There could be a chance that she could appear at work. I doubt it, but there is a chance. Personally, I hope she doesn’t come in. But we’ll see.

Then it’s the weekend for me. i can’t wait. The week has flown by, but the days have been dragging by. I need more coffee. Happy Saturday y’all.

The water’s getting warm so you might as well swim

Good Friyay morning my friends. It’s almost the weekend. And honestly, I can’t wait. I just have today, and the short shift tomorrow, then it’s the weekend.

Which is good because I was up early with another coughing fit for a few minutes. I tried to stay in bed for as long as possible. But I had to get up and blow my nose, and to get something to drink. I fell back into bed, and eventually fell asleep.

And now here we are. It’s a gray morning, and I have both cats trying to fit on my legs. It’s about that time of the year. It’s chilly so they’re just trying to stay warm. Silly kittens.

I don’t have too much to talk about. So I’m going to leave it like this. So have a cup of coffee and snuggle your pets. It’s Friyay! So let’s party!

You could’ve been gettin’ down to this sick beat

I was up slightly before the alarm went off. Just slightly though. I think I tried to focus my eyes, and the clock said 6:37. I went back to sleep after that. It was a light sleep though. I was having a dream that Crystal and I were looking for a small pull behind camper. My mom had said since we were looking for one, they’d sell the big trailer to use for an excellent price. But I stopped her. I told her that The Hot Mess Express couldn’t pull it. She started to say that we could use her truck when lever we wanted, but again I stopped her – I used all the logic I could, including telling her that I can’t back up with a big trailer. That’s when the alarm went off.

Yesterday at work was pretty slow. I did talk to BossLady in the morning. She gave me a couple of things to do. I got them all sorted about 20-30 minutes later. I wrote up some invoices, and sent them to her to take a look. Today, I have to make a very large deposit on a clients appliances. I just have to double check and triple check before possibly charging over $10k to the company credit card.

After work, I trotted home. Crystal was already in the middle of preparing dinner. So I fed the kittens, and the kittens were then very happy. I did my thing with the pork chops, and put them and the Brussels sprouts in the oven. The chops were a little thicker than were used to, so I had to put them back in the oven for a few more minutes. After that, the food was plated, and consumed. I had the third chop as well, because I’m a fat ass. The dinner was excellent.

After dinner, and the dishes. It was a slothy evening. I fired up TotK. Like Crystal, I’m totally avoiding the main story line, by doing other things. I mostly have the Depths mapped out. And I’m just exploring. I’m not bored, but I have no interest in beating this game. I’ll give you two words to explain why: GLOOM HANDS. That’s right. As soon as I hear that wicked music, I bolt. Yep that’s right. The savior of Hyrule bolting and running as fast as he can to get away from them. I choose what I fight. I need to have the upper hand right from the beginning! Lol