Pennies and dimes for a kiss

Finally. Finally it’s Friyay. Thank fucking god. This has been a long, long week. But here we are. All that separates us and the weekend is just one shift at work. Can I do it? Yes I can!

Ok, enough toxic positivity for today. Save that for work. It’s Friyay, and it’s still overcast out there. Hopefully, it’ll clear up, and be a little more sunny out there. According to the weather app, it’ll be cloudy until just after lunch, and then it’ll be a lot brighter out.

We don’t have anything planned for the weekend. There’s going to be grocery shopping tomorrow, of course, and chores the following day, but that’s about it. Nothing else on the docket.

I got a text from my mom a couple of days ago asking if they were going to make another season of Star Trek Strange New Worlds. I told her that there was 2 seasons, and I hadn’t heard anything about them cancelling it. She said ok, and told me that they had moved on to Star Trek Discovery. I still have the season finale of New Worlds to finish.

But, I need to refill my coffee cup. Three cheers for Friyay!

And she said, “mom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley PTA”

We were woken up to the dulcet sounds of a kitty rave. Yep, Chaucer got sick this morning on the floor on Crystal’s side. So yeah, good morning everyone.

Well, it’s Thursday I believe. It’s gray and cool outside. The coffee has been brewed, and I have Chaucer curled up on my lap. I think he’s trying to apologize for what he did this morning.

Work has been busy. We’re gearing up for a giant sale. The giant sale that we had going on is over, and all the prices are being reset and a new pricing subsystem is in place. We’re moving a whole bunch of stuff all over the place. More of the same today.

I got home last night and some amazing fajitas were almost ready to eat. They were really good, I had a second helping. I did manage not to be a fat ass and saved some for lunch today. And maybe tomorrow if I’m lucky.

So I think it’s going to be more of the same m, so hopefully the day will go quickly again. I’m excited for the long weekend. I had asked Crystal if she wanted her corn bread stuffing, and she said yes. We’ll be making some Saturday evening. And we’ll bring some over for Thanksgiving.

I need more coffee, so I’ll be signing off now. The weekend is getting so close I can taste it.

The Joker ain’t the only fool who’ll do anythin’ for you

Here I am, awake. It’s Wednesday morning and contrary to what the weather app said yesterday, it’s actually sunny out there, until about 9, then it’ll cloud over and then later on in the day, it’s supposed to rain. Yay.

Yesterday wasn’t too great of a day. And that’s pretty much all I’m going to say about it. The day for the most part went pretty quickly, but it wasn’t too great of a day.

But today is a new day, and I’ll make the best of it today. It’s hump day, so we’re almost to the weekend. A long weekend. That’s right, Monday is Thanksgiving day. So we have that going for us.

Other than that, it’s just another day here. This weekend, we’ll be popping over to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries. But other than that, we don’t have anything really on the books.

The only plan: more coffee. Come on weekend, get your ass over here!

And what better way to say “I love you.” than with the gift of a spatula?

Good morning my friends. It’s gonna be a long week, weather-wise. It’s supposed to rain all day. Ugh. And it supposed to be gray and overcast for the rest of the week. Good times.

I slept like the dead last night. I don’t think I moved, or got up to go to the bathroom at all in the night. It was a pretty good sleep. I believe I spider-monkied on Crystal for most of the night.

Yesterday was a good do nothing day. I cooked up some pretty good brunch, and then after the dishes were done, I grabbed the Hot Mess and drove up to the little grocery store. I picked up some grapes, cereal, and milk. That pretty much was the only time I left the property for the rest of the day.

For the rest of the day, I moderated the chat room in Crystal’s TikTok live. That was fun. At one point we had 100 people watch her play Skyrim. As she was doing that, I was reading interesting articles on Reddit.

That’s about it. It’s Tuesday. I need more coffee. Happy Tuesday y’all. We’re getting closer to the weekend everyone. Only a couple more days to go!