Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy and cozy are we (ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding!)

So, good morning. It’s about that time again, isn’t it. It’s dark, and like the weather app said, it snowed overnight. I shoveled the linai, and it was big fluffy snow, which is really nice. It’s light, and easy to shovel. I could hear the sounds of the plows moving around, so that’s a good thing.

Not to sound like a broken record, but I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. At 2:30, I woke up and needed to use the bathroom. My head was in a weird position, so it was very stiff. I hobbled to the bathroom, did my business, and crawled into bed.

I felt/heard Chaucer jump down off the bed, where he proceeded to sing the song of his people. He stopped that very quickly (some say too quickly), and then started to play with a rattle toy!! Thankfully, he either played for only a few seconds, or I fell asleep and he played for a few minutes.

I guess we’ll never know the true answer.

But we’re awake, and we have coffee. So let’s slowly get the day started. The weekend is almost here!

She’s been living in her white-bred world

The alarm made me jump this morning, even though I had woken up 15 minutes earlier, and again about 2 minutes before the alarm went off. Weird, huh?

Already, I’m starting to sound like a broken record – it’s dark out, but as the radio voice said, it’s mild out, but tonight, we’ll be seeing some snow. Yay snow. But it is that time of the year. Snow is a part of it, and now we have to deal with it.

I’m so close to finally getting all the products on the LiveInventory. I pretty much finished yesterday. BossLady wants to go through it line by line so she knows what she has. we were supposed to do that around two yesterday. Then customers came in. When I left yesterday, I showed her how to basically navigate the back-end. I wonder how much she got done, or if her short attention span made her push away from the computer.

When I got home from work, Crystal was in the middle of cooking dinner. I helped where I could, but mostly just let her do her thing. Lemme tell you, the Cracker Barrel Mac and cheese is amazing, but it is a process to make it, which is why we don’t make it too often. Pair that with some garlic and mozzarella cheese sausages, and that makes a very tasty dinner.

After that, I played some No Man’s Sky until it was time to shower. I tried to work on some of my side quests. The last couple of days, all I’ve pretty much done is be a pirate and destroy shipping containers for their contents. Last night I was working on a quest, and it was the intro to piracy. So I flew through that one. I started another one, but it was time to shower. So I saved, and I’ll try to remember where I left off.

But right now, coffee. No kitties yet. But they’ll come, they always do. Happy Wednesday!

When I wake up in the morning and the clock lets out a warning

Good morning everyone. It’s a dark morning out there. And windy, but it seems to be somewhat warm out there. Which is nice. Maybe the wind will die down during the day. We’ll find out.

It’s Tuesday morning. Only a few more shifts at work, and I’m on a vacation. A nice week of relaxing, and recentering myself before I start my new job. I have a mixture of excitement and some fear. But right now, it’s more excitement.

But eyes on the prize. Let’s make it through this week, and then we’ll do a dance.

Yesterday was a really really nice day to just relax. I didn’t get dressed, and we were just slugs all day. Slugs with really yummy food, all day. I made brunch in the morning, saving some bacon for dinner. Dinner, was poutine. Which I totally forgot about the bacon. Crystal said not to worry, we’ll use it some time this week.

Other than that, we simply played video games, and watched TV all day but was really nice. We started a list for shopping on Saturday. There’s not too much on it, but we have a week to figure that out.

So let’s have a good cup of coffee, and wake up! It’s Tuesday, and that’s like a good day to wake up and go to work. Chaucer really wants to get in my lap. But I have a couple of things to do before that happens.

Had sex, undressed, saw her boobies and the rest

Hey hey, it’s morning. It’s dark out, but the sun is slowly coming up, and it’s looking magical out there. I slept like the dead. I woke up just once, around 5 or 6. I can’t remember which, my eyes could focus quickly enough. I just saw a group of numbers, and guessed at the time.

Yesterday was really nice. We just relaxed and watched a movie before we had to go to Shady Acres. I found a behind the scenes for Raiders of the Lost Ark. It was fun and interesting to watch. Since we’ve recently watched that, I put on the next movie on our list – the Last Crusade. We again enjoyed that.

We went over to Shady Acres. Dinner was pretty good. Mom made perogies, and all the fixings for it. I wasn’t too sure if the turkey perogies, but they were pretty good. It won’t change Thanksgiving dinner, but they were good for a change from the norm.

Today, I don’t plan on leaving the house. There’s no place that we have go, and no place that we have to be at. So it’ll be a lazy ass day here. And brunch. You can’t forget brunch.

That’s in a little while.

Happy Monday, my friends.