I got me a Chrysler, it seats about twenty

Another day, another morning of waking up so very groggy. I wanted to do things last night, but mentally I just wasn’t there. I’m gonna do my best to be there mentally tonight. It’s first thing in the morning, and I already have Chaucer on my lap. Pippin is at the back door, probably slightly annoyed, because I closed the window on the back door. There’s frost on the rooftops, and this little kitten wants the window open to be able to sniff the morning air. Sorry little one, it’s just a little too chilly to have the window open. You’re lucky that the door is open in the first place.

Good morning my friends. It’s a bright and sunny, albeit, chilly out. It’s a beautiful fall morning out there. And it’s the day I go back to work. Yay.

The Thanksgiving weekend is over, and it was a pretty good weekend filled with food, and video games. I’m sure BossLady will ask what I got up to on the weekend, and I’ll probably just say – when you have anxiety, you do what I did… buy a video game and sit on the couch, and play it all weekend. Because, that’s pretty much what we did all weekend.

It was a good weekend.

And now, I need more coffee. Happy Tuesday everyone.

A la self-deprecating? Like adventure? And have many formed opinions?

It’s a froggy morning out there. Just as I was about to walk out and start my day, the heat kicked on. So we told Pippin that we wouldn’t put out the table, and that she’d have to wait a little bit before we opened up the back door.

She is not impressed with that.

I climbed into bed, and I know I say it a lot, but I don’t think that I had moved. I woke up in pretty much the same position that I fell asleep in. It was a pretty good sleep, I think. I don’t know, I’m still trying to wake up.

Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving. We went over to Shady Acres and had a wonderful spread of dinner. We had a turkey (which was dropped on the floor), homemade pasta, Brussels, potatoes, corn, and some pretty good stuffing. I didn’t eat like a crazy person, but looking back now, I’d have had more of a second helping and not desert.

Desert was good, cherry cheesecake.

Now we have to decide – full normal brunch, or toasted turkey sandwiches. We’ll figure it out. Maybe we’ll have the sandwiches for lunch tomorrow? Who knows, the sky is the limit.

The moment I wake up before I put on my makeup

I’m told that it’s Sunday this morning. The sun is slowly coming up. I remember just a couple of months ago, the sun would already be up. Now, it’s slowly rising as we’re slowly rising. It looks like it’ll be a nice day out. A nice day to stay in and play video games.

Yesterday after going out to gather needed supplies, and after lunch, I settled Crystal down to play some Skyrim live on TikTok. She played for a few hours, and raised $16 towards a new game. She smashed all the thirsty dudes begging for feet. She handled it superbly, and always left them begging for more.

Then I purchased No Man’s Sky. I managed to play about 2 hours of it. And if I don’t play it again today, I’ll play it tomorrow. What a neat game. I liked it right off the bat. Who knew that I’d be so picky when it came to video games. I haven’t stopped playing TotK, I’m just taking a break. I have one more temple to do, then I’m end game. I really have no interest in finishing the game mind you.

Mmm coffee. I also have Chaucer on my lap, sitting as proud as punch. He’s a good guy. He’s just snuggly in the morning. I can’t fault him for that, this morning, I feel pretty snuggly as well.

This afternoon, we’ll head over to Shady Acres for Thanksgiving dinner. North of the wall, it’s, as we figured out yesterday, Jiffy corn bread mix is hard to find. Our little grocery store doesn’t carry it. So sadly, Crystal doesn’t have her cornbread stuffing for tonight. I’ll have to look on Amazon to see if they have it for a reasonable price.

Wow, I’m on paragraph 6. Who’d have thought that I had 6 paragraphs in me first thing in the morning? No plans for today – just chores, and maybe Crystal will try No Man’s Sky. I’ll watch her and see what she does differently. Maybe I’ll start the game over again, and maybe I’ll just exploit all the resources on the planet I’m on. Maybe I’ll go all America on the surface and exploit all that I can.


And the girl in the corner that no one ignores ’cause she thinks she’s the passionate one

Another day, another war. We’re watching NBC News, which outsourced to Sky News out of the UK to provide the information to us. Because NBC News Now doesn’t have a weekend crew – they’re usually showing reruns of Dateline. So they have to outsource. I just looked up at the TV, and there was a tween holding a nine millimeter hand gun.

Not so good times.

We went to bed last night, and again, I’m pretty sure I found the position that I liked, and then proceeded to not move at all until the alarm went off. The bed was the perfect temperature for lazing in bed. I didn’t have a kitten snuggling me this morning. No, she was being weird, and was staring at me when I went into the bathroom. She was loafed in the bathtub.


But we got up, I got the coffee going, and gave Pippin a bit of a treat – I opened the back door, and cracked the window for her. She’s very happy looking out the back door. It looks like it might be a nice day. There’s blue sky peaking out.

We’re heading to SlightlyBiggerTown this morning for groceries and whatnot. Crystal wants to go to the dollar store to find some devils horns. I’m thinking we’ll head over to the general store, and maybe we’ll find her a puritan costume, so she can finally bring some class to the masses. Buckles. Buckles everywhere.

Either way, it’ll be a fun day. It always is when we go grocery shopping. I started the list last night, and heck, even added to it this morning. So we’ll head out in a few hours. We’ll get yummy food, and possibly lunch/dinner in the form of Subway, or maybe Little Caesar’s. Who knows! The world is our oyster – unless you want Popeyes. We can’t do Popeyes.

I’ll leave you with the greatness that is Chaucer. Happy Saturday my friends.