A saxophone was blowing on a Rock ‘n’ Roll show

It’s morning now, I was up 3 minutes before the alarm. Before the alarm went off, I felt a cat snuggle up. You can always rely on Chaucer to snuggle in. In fact, he’s already on my lap. He’s stretched out on my legs. I pretty much closed my eyes and then the alarm went off.

Yesterday at work, we’re repricing for a very large sale. We had to call in all hands on deck. I had probably 90-95% of the store priced, but there was still a pile of tags, and we needed help. It took 3 people all day to get the sales floor up to snuff. But it’s done. We’re almost ready for the sale to begin.

But more importantly, it’s Friyay! Oh god it’s been a long week, but the days have gone quickly. If you can understand that. I just want to make it through the day as quickly as possible.

But before all that, I need fuel. Coffee. Black gold. I’m working on that right now. You should too. Enjoy your Friyay. The weekend is almost here.

I’ve got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby come with me Friday, don’t say maybe

It looks like it’ll be a somewhat nice day out there today. And that’s a good thing – I’ll be at our outside warehouse today. I have a stack of price tags, and shit needs to be priced, yo.

Good morning my friends, welcome to Thursday. It’s almost the weekend. The leaves are falling and it looks to be a beautiful fall day here, north of the wall.

Yesterday went relatively quickly. I got most of the sales tags up in the showroom, back room, and just about everything in the seacan. That’s not to bad, considering that it was just me in the store yesterday. Things are starting to come together.

Each evening after dinner and dishes are done, we’ve been watching one episode of The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix. It’s really good so far, I’m really enjoying it. It’s a somewhat quick moving slow burn. It’s really good.

So let’s get the day started! Thursday! Coffee! Leaves! Happy almost the weekend, we can making it.

Opinions are like arseholes, which everybody’s got

I really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Oh, it was the perfect temperature. But the alarm went off, and once again, it scared the crap out of me.

So here we are. I think it’s Wednesday. The news anchor that always wears pink on Wednesdays isn’t today. Which is kind of confusing this morning. But here we are. Both slightly awake.

I think we found the arm pit of the area yesterday. We were putting out posters and signs for our sale that were going to be having, and drove into this town/village. It was like the Eastern European country that they visited in Eurotrip. You almost expected people to be out on their front decks washing themselves.

But we got it done. We started first thing in the morning, and pulled into town at around 4:30. I dropped off Crystal at home, and went back to work to clean the truck, and to move the trailer for the haunted hotel next door. Now they can get their entrance all set up.

Today should be just a long day – I’m putting out sales tags. Front and back of store. I should be getting help tomorrow when everyone else is expected in.

But before all that, motherfucking coffee. Happy hump day y’all.

Taking more than her share, had me fighting for air

Well, I can say I had a good nights sleep – with no nightmares. I think I just had normal sleeps. Finally. I was a little tossy turny but that’s ok.

Yesterday was a very very nice lazy day. I cooked the usual breakfast brunch, and we took turns playing the Switch. I quickly ran out to grab some wraps for dinner, but they didn’t have any, so I grabbed some garlic naan.

Is read of having chicken back Caesar sandwiches, we had the same, but in pizza form. They were amazing. I really liked it.

After dinner I played a little more, and then shut it off for the evening. After our shower, I turned on episode one of The Fall of the House of Usher. I enjoyed the first episode. We might be watching creepy and scary shows for the rest of the month. We’ll see.

Back to work today. Road trip, so it’ll be different. I’m putting up signs in various towns for our sale. Hopefully it’ll take most of the day. It looks like it’ll be a somewhat nice day for it. I’ll go in at my normal time, and come back and pick up Crystal about an hour later. She’s coming with me today for a day out.

Happy Tuesday!