If you see a faded sign at the side of the road that says fifteen miles to the, love shack, love shack yeah

Yep new day, new job. Getting up at this hour – 4:30, wasn’t too bad this morning. Course that’s probably all nerves. This won’t be too long of a post, because I gotta make some lunch.

But yeah, I went to bed an hour early last night, and I didn’t even feel Crystal get into bed. I was out. I woke up quickly once, around 2ish, but went back to sleep pretty quickly.

But I’m awake, and my love hopefully is still asleep in the bedroom. I hope that she has a good day. I hope that I have a good day. I just wanted to leave a note for you guys.

Let’s do this. Happy Monday y’all.

Midnight, and I’m a-waitin’ on the twelve-oh-five

Yep, it’s another day, just starting. Good morning everyone. It’s Sunday, and of course, it’s freakin dark out. The wind is blowing, and I don’t know if it snowed a little more, or if the wind just moved the snow around in the night. Perhaps a combination of both. We’ll never know.

Again, I was awake a little early this morning. I looked, out of curiosity. It was early. Thankfully, I was able to just close my eyes and go back to sleep. That’s a good thing.

But yeah, it’s freakin dark out there. I don’t think the sun rises now until 8 or 8:30. Only 4 or 5 months before the sun will be up before we wake up.

Tomorrow is the day. First day of a new job. I filled out the paperwork yesterday to bring in tomorrow. I only have questions about the Canadian tax stuff. Everything else is filled out. I think subconsciously I’m freaking out. There is nervousness, but I don’t feel it. I do when I think about it. I have to be up wicked early. I think that I won’t post until I get home after shift. I think it’ll be easier that way, I have a little bit to do. I haven’t made lunch for myself in the morning for years. I’ll be making that. So yeah not enough time. But this week is a training week so we’ll figure it out. Just not tomorrow.

But it’s Sunday, and that means chore day! Yay chores! But before the chores, let’s get some more coffee into me. Let’s get the day started!

In five minutes.

That old diesel engine made an eerie sound when Papa fired it up and headed into town

Well hello there. Yep, it’s Saturday and it’s completely dark out. I slept pretty good. I don’t know if it was a dream, or real life, but my body had to prove something in the wee hours of the morning. My eyes opened up, and when I could focus them, I looked at the clock:

4:38 am.

I went, oh look at this. I can get up this early! I congratulated myself, and then I rolled over, and tried to go back to sleep, which succeeded. I am impressed. It felt, in the movement, that I could get up at that time, and I was very impressed, and happy about that fact.

But now it’s a couple of hours later, I get up again, this time 5 minutes before the alarm went off. Chaucer was doing Chaucer things over on top of the box with the in-laws Christmas gifts. He was rubbing his face on it, and that’s what woke me up. I picked up polar bear, and just lightly lobbed it towards the sounds.

The sounds stopped, and I fell back asleep until the alarm went off just a few minutes later. He’s now waiting patiently to climb up and lay on my legs. Pippin, is playing with one of her toys. She was still curled up on the bed when we woke up.

The trip to SlightlyBiggerTown went off without a hitch. There were disappointments though. The second hand store wasn’t open. It looked like it was for drop offs only, and then over at the grocery store – we found turkey! But it was wicked expensive, so Crystal opted not to get it. That’s ok.

After getting mom home, I walked back to the Flat, and we just kinda hung out. I popped over to Reddit while Crystal turned in Skyrim, and TikTok. We had a pretty good afternoon. Then it was off to the restaurant for date night. We were the only people in there. We ate, and left.

It was a really Good Friday for sure. And now, we’re gonna make Saturday pretty awesome too. I have no idea what we’re gonna do, but we’ll do it together, and it’ll be perfect. Happy Saturday everyone! Have a great day 🙂

Well, I’m a gonna raise a fuss, I’m gonna raise a holler

Ugh, it’s dark out. I think it’ll be like this for the next 4ish months. Winter is coming. Nah son, winter is here. I think when we go out later on this morning, I’ll be wearing my new jacket. Exciting, huh?

I was up a little early – I couldn’t breathe. I’m just stuffed up majorly this morning. I think after today, it starts to warm up a little bit. It’s currently , with the wind, it’s -6° out there. That’s in freedom units, so you can tell that it’s wicked cold out there.

We didn’t do too much yesterday. I started the morning off with watching The Mighty Nein one shot. After that was over, Crystal fired up good ol Skyrim, and streamed for the afternoon. It was pretty fun.

For dinner, I splurged on some pizza from the restaurant up the street. We’ve had pizza from there before, and it’s pretty good. We’ve never ordered on “pizza day”, and yesterday was pizza day, and we got two free appetizers. Fried mushrooms for m’lady, and jalapeño poppers for me. Very yum. We ate our fill, and then I got a text from BossLady asking if I could give Crystal’s number so she could ask a couple of questions.

After that phone conversation, Crystal fixed a couple of things on the website, and we carried on with the evening. I couldn’t even tell you what we did after dinner. I know we watched an episode of Supernatural, then I remember having hot cocoa, and watching TikTok’s. So that was totes fun!

Today we actually have to become humans and leave the house. My mom has a dentist appointment, and we need to do a couple of things, so instead of my dad taking time off work, we’re already off, so I said we’d take her. Everyone wins.

So, time to mainline some coffee, and focus the ol eyes. Happy Friyay everyone! Happy Black Friday for those that celebrate that as well!