Four calling birds

Morning all. It’s been a morning already. I was fast asleep, until 6am. Then I was awake. Awake and very tossy turny. I couldn’t get comfortable, and then I was too hot, or too cold. Then I started to get anxious. My mind said, you’ve been doing so well at work, what if it was a fluke, and you really suck ass there. You’re stupid, and sooner or later, they’re gonna figure it out. So here’s some anxiety for you to try and deal with. Have fun, idiot. You deserve this.

So needless to say, yeah. Tough morning so far. But I’m up, dressed, and the coffee has been brewed. I already have Chaucer on my lap. I’m trying to discretely do some deep breathing and just trying to calm down. I mean, it’s not too bad, but it’s been a while since I had a panic attack. I didn’t even have one before I started the new job. Why the hell did it pop up this morning?

Nevermind, it’ll pass. Hopefully quickly. But it’ll pass.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. I took care of the chores first thing. I thought I’d have 3 loads of laundry, but I managed to get it into two. Which is nice. The sweaters are hanging over the doors to dry. As the laundry was going, I made brunch. It turned out pretty good, except for the fact that I dropped one of Crystal’s waffles, and it broke in half, but she said that was ok. She’s a trooper for sure.

We went over to Shady Acres for dinner, and that was good. It’s relaxing over there. Mom made some beef stroganoff, and it was very good, minus the mushrooms.

After there, we came back to the Flat, and relaxed some more before heading to bed. It feels warmer out there, which explains why I felt a lot warmer this morning, than yesterday or the day before.

So happy Monday y’all. It should get better as the day goes on. Let’s get the week started!

Three French hens

Another dark morning. Coffee is brewing, and I’m struggling to shake the cobwebs from my head. It was a pretty good sleep. I’m still tired though. I don’t know if I’ll ever not be tired, but here we are. Good morning my friends, welcome to Sunday!

I’m pretty sure I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. The last thing that I remember is calling for Chaucer, who was singing the song of this people. I think I was still awake when he finally jumped up onto the bed. I don’t think I was awake when he finally got comfortable.

We’ll never know. Chaucer doesn’t speak English.

But here we are. When I’m finished with this post I’ll be getting up and doing laundry. We’ll probably have three loads this morning. I have to wash the sweaters that I wore all last week. Other than that, it’s a typical Sunday, which one difference: I go back to work tomorrow. The days of having three day weekends are over!

That’s ok. A normal schedule is just fine with me. I just gotta get used to it. Once I am, we’ll be right as rain.

Ok, let’s get comfy for a bit. Wake up for a little while, then it’s time for chores. Need a little more coffee in the system first. Plus Chaucer is on my lap.

Happy Sunday friends!

Two turtle-doves

Good morning my fritends. Good morning from a normal time! It’s the weekend, and I really shouldn’t be getting used to the weekends anymore. Soon, I’ll be in “general population”, and I’ll be scheduled all over the place. But for this weekend, at least, it’s normal.

Later on in the morning, I’ll be slowly finishing my transition to small town living. I’ll be doing my shopping in town today. Yep, I don’t feel like driving 30 minutes to grocery shop in SlightlyBiggerTown, so I’ll do it here. Whatever the little grocery store doesn’t have, I’ll check the gas station/convenience store. Don’t worry my friends, we’ll have enough food.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. I’m getting used to all the cobbled together computer systems. It’s also be a heck of a long time since I had to be on my feet the whole day. The first three days was really hard on my back, but Thursday and Friday was too bad. Next week I have a week of closing shifts.

But today, it’s some grocery shopping and maybe breakfast for dinner. I don’t know yet. We’ll figure it out.

But before all that can happen, it’s coffee time. We’ll wait for the sun to come up and then we’ll figure out the day.

A partridge in a pear tree

Holy motherfucking shit, it’s motherfucking Friyay! It’s been a long, but pretty good week. Yep, I started a new job on Monday, zoned a lot of product. Put out, or helped put out 6 deliveries, and a lot of award winning customer service.

It’s been a good week. Hard getting up at 4:30am. Who knew that there was a 4:30am? I certainly didn’t know! But that’s ok, I got up with no problem each day. Although today, was just a little harder than a couple of days ago. It’s all good.

Yesterday I spent 4.5 hours staring at a computer doing the lottery CBL. It went over probably 6-8 games. I still don’t know how to play them, but I’m certified to sell them now. So it’s a whole other system to master. The computers there seem like they’re just cobbled together with the express purpose to just barely work together.

Christmas decorations went up today. I have my face taped to a Santa Claus, and I have my own Christmas stocking. lol.

Tonight is date night, so I can’t get into comfy clothes just yet. Soon though.

I don’t have too many plans for the weekend, any groceries that we need I can go to the flagstaff station or the grocery store to get them. Other than that, I’m not leaving the house.

Happy weekend friends!