The meat carved was drawn from succulent juices

Good morning. It’s dark, and probably cold out there this morning. I’ve been up on and off since about 4am. The first time was about 4:10. I woke up, looked at the alarm, and reminded myself that I didn’t have to be at work until 1:15. I fell back asleep.

The next time was around 5. Again, I reminded myself that I didn’t have to be at work until 1:15. I got up, and went to the bathroom, and then fell back asleep again. The bed was comfy, but just a little bit too warm. Mostly.

I didn’t get out of bed again.

Then the next time that I woke up was 2 or 3 times starting around 6ish. At this point it was starting to get just a little annoying. I found a position that I could breathe, and so I was comfortable. I think it worked, because I don’t think I woke up until around 6:40ish. At this point I refused to look at the clock.

Then the alarm clock went off.

And now, here we are! The coffee has been brewed, and we both have a cup of the good stuff. In a few, I’ll be hoping into the shower, and getting the day started. Currently with the wind, we’re sitting at -42°. It’s a little gusty out there, and it’s supposed to be like this for the rest of the day.

So let’s get the day started! It’s dark and cold! Winter is here. But spring is just around the corner. 64 days until the first day of spring! We can make it, right?!

The king and his men stole the queen from her bed

Welp, here we are again. Up in the dark. I actually got up at 6:49. I really had to pee, but I was determined to go back to sleep. I did my thing, and crawled back into bed for the 10 minutes. I think I managed to get back to sleep.

Then the alarm went off.

Crystal got up about a minute or two before the alarm went off, so she did what she needed to do, then the alarm went off, and I heard the lights come on in the kitchen, and the switch to the coffee pot was clicked. So I got up.

Got dressed.

Here we are.

Nothing on deck for today, just the chores. Which I’ll start in a little bit. Since it’s still ass fuckingly cold out – -44°F with the wind (it’s warmer than yesterday morning!), I’ll be starting the truck, and taking it for a drive. Plus, one of the only things we forgot yesterday when we were getting groceries, was the litter. I’ll be stoping at work to grab some.

Since I work tomorrow, it’ll be the classic combination of chores and brunch day! Woohoo! Like I said up there, I’ll start that soon. But first, coffee and contemplation.

Happy Sunday/fun day everyone. I hope you’re warm wherever you are.

Do you think some people… do you think that there’s some people that aren’t really… that are actually robots, living among us?

Oh, hello there. How long have you been waiting for us to get up and start to post and move around? Are you stalking us? Creepy. You’re a creep! That’s ok. For your personal information, we’re awake and moving around. Pippin is happily on my lap, and Chaucer is staring at me. He wanted the lap. But of course, Pippin was faster.

I survived the last shift of the week yesterday. It was too bad. We did some cleaning. Mostly that’s what we did. Finally, the grocery order came in, so that got put away before I left. I even started the Hot Mess Express up so it could warm up a little before leaving. It protested that as well but I fuelled it up, and took it for a quick drive.

I got home and watched Crystal get to 10k followers on TikTok, and then I played for a little while before heading out to the restaurant for Friday night date night. Crystal had her usual, and I had breakfast for dinner. I felt that I deserved it. From there we came home, and Crystal had a nice hot bath, and I played a little more. Then I shut it off, and I believe that we just watched whatever was on tv. I can’t really remember. It was nice and relaxing.

Today, I don’t believe that we have too much to do, other than heading over to SlightlyBiggerTown to grab some groceries. Maybe even Subway. We’ll see, but we don’t have to really go anywhere else in town, so that should be a quick and easy in and out. It’ll be a ok drive. Hopefully the wind dies down a little. We’ll also have to preheat the car.

But first coffee.

Happy Saturday y’all!

Chump, change, and it’s on, super bon bon

Hey hey everyone! It’s Friyay! And work is all over until Monday, so I’m just chillin’. Totally because with the wind, it’s a crappy -43°C out there. So that’s about the temp that my old Adidas freeze. So there’s that. But that doesn’t matter, because aside from going out for dinner tonight, and groceries tomorrow, I don’t have to leave the house at all. And the temp should slowly be rising after Monday. It’s not gonna get balmy, but it should be in the tolerable temps. Soon.

It was rather slow this morning, so BossLady and I cleaned around the store today. The type of cleaning that you can really only do when it’s slow. She actually scrubbed the grout in the bathrooms. I know, right? Weird.

I went to start the truck after work, and the car doth protested a little. It’s a Florida car, so I let it warm up, filled up the tank,and I took it for a little drive. Not too far, but just long enough for it to properly warm up and let the alternator do its job.

Now I’m at the Flat, watching Crystal play Hades, and chatting with the people in her TikTok live. She just hit 10k followers. Pretty cool, eh?