Everything’s all right, I’ll just say good night and I’ll show myself to the door

Hey hey everyone. I’m back home from work. As soon as I stepped out, I got a headache. Hard one. So as soon as I got home, I took something. Here’s to hoping it goes away soon.

Work wasn’t too bad. A little slow, but we did some cleaning, and took down a couple of end caps. Yay for organization. The old people that come in will be confused for a little while.

They’ll get used to it.

The wind was back this morning, along with some snow. There’s a dusting out there, I’ll take care of it the next time I go out. I shovelled a couple of times outside at work, just for something to do – besides, I kinda have to do it. You know, for safety and all that.

I don’t have too much left to talk about, I’m sleepy, my head hurts, and I just want to relax. Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow, and then I’ll have something to talk about. I hope y’all are having a good Tuesday so far.

How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat yer meat?

Another Monday in the bag. I’m home from work. Saturday when my parents went to BiggerTown, to pick up wood pellets for their pellet stove I asked my mom to look for shaved steak. Well, they kind of found some. I have a back up plan in case the steak tastes like ass.

But I did buy mushrooms for Crystal’s steak sandwiches.

Work wasn’t too bad today. A little slow the closer we got to noon time, but we made it work. The weather has gotten slightly nicer. It’s still cold, but the wind, for the most part, has died down. That’s nice, not having to stand outside in the howling wind.

But that’s about it here on the home front. Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting than today. Course what can top a truck towing an suv with only a rope past the store? Nothing really!

Happy Monday y’all!

I like the way you do that right thurr

Well, it’s that time again. Time to get up out of the totally comfortable bed, and back to the real world. And now, here we are. The wind has finally died down, and while it’s still cold out, it seems warmer. Just let me have it, I haven’t looked at the weather app yet.

Yesterday was a total pile of laziness. I didn’t do a whole lot of anything yesterday. The only thing that I did was strip the bed, and get it in the washer. After it was washed and dried, I remade the bed. There’s nothing like climbing into a warm, freshly washed bed. It was a good sleep last night.

Today, I think will be much of the same. It’s chore day here. After a couple of cups of coffee, I’ll start that in a few hours. Nothing too major to do, but we’ll get it done.

Oh, and today is brunch day!

Only because I have to work early tomorrow morning. Yay for bacon! But really we don’t have a lot to do today. Chores, and heading over to Shady Acres for dinner. There’s a chance I’ll be moving some wood pellets into the house, because my dad’s not feeling too well, and can’t lift anything heavy. So I’ll get a few into the house.

But right now, coffee and couch snuggles for a little while. It’s still dark but, the sun could be coming up anytime. Probably in about an hour or so. Happy Sunday everyone. It’s the lords day!

Move aside, and let the man go through

So I remembered that I forgot to reset my alarm. This morning. When it went off at 4:30am. I immediately shut it off, and went back to sleep. The last thought I thunk, before falling back asleep was, well I guess I could get up.

Spoiler alert, I didn’t get up. I fell back asleep until 6. But I looked at the alarm clock and went back to sleep. The. Up again at 6:30. Then finally up for the day, at 7:30. So yeah I lost a half hour of being awake. That’s ok. I slept in a little bit.

But we’re up, and coffee has been distributed. The kitties slept with us all morning. Pippin right next to me. I feel bad for her because every time I moved, or the once I got up, was physically moved when I got up to use the bathroom. I apologized to her late on for moving her with the blankets. I think she knew I didn’t know she was sleeping right there.

Nothing much on deck for today. It’s still mostly dark out there, and again the wind has picked up a little bit. We have no plans for the day. I don’t even think that I’ll be getting dressed today.

Poutine for dinner!