And no I won’t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll

Ugh. Awake. I was up on and off this morning. The first time, I looked at the clock. Big mistake – 3:44. The next time I got up, and actually got out of bed and used the bathroom, it was around 4:30. The next time was around 6ish m, I think. So yeah I’ve earned this coffee.

And my nose is all stuffed up.

But, the good news is that it’s Friyay! It’s so close to the weekend, you can almost taste the diner French fries. Almost. I just have to make it through one more day. But today might be a little easier – NewNewGirl will be there today. Just a little bit of a buffer you could call it.

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. A little chaotic. BossLady rolled in just after I opened the store. Within minutes, she was off again to the social media persons house. I jokingly told the social media manager to keep her there as long as possible. She did what I asked. As I was walking to the post office, I could see her getting out of her car back at work.

The afternoon went mostly quickly. You see the weeks are going quickly, but the hours are dragging by. Hopefully today will go much quicker. Especially with another body there.

We’ll see. Happy Friyay all 🙂

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