A saxophone was blowing on a Rock ‘n’ Roll show

It’s morning now, I was up 3 minutes before the alarm. Before the alarm went off, I felt a cat snuggle up. You can always rely on Chaucer to snuggle in. In fact, he’s already on my lap. He’s stretched out on my legs. I pretty much closed my eyes and then the alarm went off.

Yesterday at work, we’re repricing for a very large sale. We had to call in all hands on deck. I had probably 90-95% of the store priced, but there was still a pile of tags, and we needed help. It took 3 people all day to get the sales floor up to snuff. But it’s done. We’re almost ready for the sale to begin.

But more importantly, it’s Friyay! Oh god it’s been a long week, but the days have gone quickly. If you can understand that. I just want to make it through the day as quickly as possible.

But before all that, I need fuel. Coffee. Black gold. I’m working on that right now. You should too. Enjoy your Friyay. The weekend is almost here.

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