Lookin’ in the stalls-nah, there ain’t nobody here

Good morning, hap hap happy Friyay all you cool cats and cool kittens. All that stands between us and the weekend, is one shift. We can make it, people! It’s not going to be that hard!

Yesterday wasn’t too bad. Not a lot to do in the morning, but in the afternoon, we loaded a trailer, so that BossLady, and NewNewGirl can deliver some furniture to a couple of people in CapitalCity next week. I wanted to get it done yesterday, with another person. Because next Thursday is less than a week away.

That coffee is flowing and I have a cat on my lap.

I tried The Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt sober last night. It’s a neat game, and the story line seems pretty cool so far. But there’s something, I can’t put my finger on it, that irks me. I don’t know how to explain it.

However, there are a tonne of games on the switch. I might check out a different rpg. Maybe I’ll revisit Witcher in a while, and maybe when I come back to it, I’ll like it more than I do now. Don’t you worry, I’ll find a game that I want to play, and like to play. Like I said, there’s a lot of games on the switch.

I need more coffee. Happy Friyay!