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Happy 4th of July everyone! Let’s light some fireworks for the leader of the free world! Because if you don’t, the republicans will take away that right. Just remember, say no to sparklers, and yes to the biggest box of fireworks at that questionable gas station that has the bathroom key chained to that cinderblock.

I had a snuggler in bed last night. I was warm, so I got out from under all the blankets, and just got under the top blanket. That’s when the little one decided to get snuggly.

It’s a gray and rainy day, and according to my weather app, it’s supposed to rain every day until next Tuesday. Yay for gray skies.

Nothing really planned for the day. All the chores were done yesterday, so I may either finish out season 3 of Supernatural, or finish the last 2 episodes of Stranger Things.

But right now, coffee and snuggles. Happy 4th everyone!